Text Flirting: The Ultimate Way To Make Someone
Fall In Love With You And Stay In Love With You…

It’s Here – Text Weapon’s Flirty Text Guide For Singles And Couples

Ready to leverage an almost unfair weapon of attraction? Want to give your love life a serious boost? Imagine yourself sparking your dream partner’s passion with engaging texts such as

“Promise me that you’ll dream of me too.”

Learn to send flirty texts that will make someone fall in love with you and stay in love with you.

This best-selling texting guide will help you spin texts that…

  • Re-ignite the flame of desire in a lifeless relationship
  • Make modern dating fun
  • Stand out in the sea of sameness
  • Get instant results, regardless of whether you’re single or in a relationship

“Your tips really work. That’s all I have to say. I tried one & I got something out of her that was most unexpected. You’re the best.”
David, UK

“This is so helpful. I’ve realized I’ve been making serious mistakes. Thanks Claudia”.
Vinny, USA


Dear Master Texter in Training,

Tiny, electronic missiles of seduction…that’s what the best romantic text messages are.
How much do they cost you to send? With most cell plans today, and messaging apps, practically nothing.

Flirty texts don’t just “wow” your partner one time; they’re often read, re-read, and, you guessed it, re-read again.

For couples, text messages can seriously ramp up the passion in long term or long-distance relationships. Better still, they help build intimacy and reconnect busy lovers who might be losing that precious spark or slowly drifting apart.

Creative text exchanges are fun, effective, and a breath of fresh air for many relationships. Text flirting is the modern form of communication that can take your relationship to the next level.

If you’re single, knowing how to text can supercharge your dating success. Sending stellar messages to your crush sets you apart from everyone else on the dating scene. It makes you unique. It makes you captivating. It makes them want you.

It gives you significantly better odds of finding your perfect match.

Sounds good, right?

But it can’t be that effective, can it?

Actually, it can be. In fact, it can do so much more than that.

Expert texting gives you the power to invade someone’s thoughts…and stay there.

The French Touch

Remotely – Oh là là Romantic Text Messages

Even though my first intense text exchange with a superstar texter had left me gasping for air, it took me one more long-term texting experience to unlock the real secret to masterful texting.

It was dumb luck actually. A vacation romance that turned into a consuming six-month texting and chatting extravaganza. It opened my eyes and made me realize that there was a whole society of romantic geniuses out there who had long understood the art of seduction…

And they had been able to effectively take their skills and apply them to texting, the modern-day passionate love letters of days gone by.

Who was this secret society?

Was it a cult?

Hardly. It was the French.

My program will hand you the tips, tricks, and strategies for creating and keeping passion and desire burning red hot through texting, whether you’re single or in a relationship.

Masterful texting can help you catch your sweetie’s interest and keep your partner connected and enticed. In fact, mesmerizing text messages can do even more than that; they can make your special someone actually crave you and ache to receive your little text missiles of seduction.

So, when it comes time to put the cell phones down and meet up face to face, either for the first time or the three hundred thousandth time, reconnecting and “getting in the mood” will not be an added task on your to do list. Instead, the floodgates of passion will already be open wide. You’ll both be ready to truly enjoy each other’s company and all the romance, desire, and feelings of intimacy that you have texted into place.

They’ll be as hot for you as if you showed up in person with a sexy French accent…

“Being so busy with work and a new baby leaves me with little free time.”

“Luckily, the program was easy to follow, had tons of engaging illustrations, and was packed with good ideas for quick and witty messages.

The text time saver formulas really helped me become more creative, and I soon found myself taking my texting to the next level. Text Weapon is light-hearted and fun. “


If you’re ready to master text flirting, you are in the perfect place! Grab your copy of French Seduction Made Easy for only $29.99


There’s a standard formula for flirty texting success

How do you discover the formula? Well, you could do like I did and spend an insane amount of time studying romantic texts, losing opportunities, making mistakes, and trying to unlock the secrets to what works. You might also want to book a plane ticket to France and learn French while you’re at it.

Or, you could take advantage of the simple, effective, and highly entertaining program I’ve developed…

TEXT WEAPON: French Seduction Made Easy eBook

This amazing text flirting guide will show you how to catch and secure the red-hot desire of your dream partner and keep it burning, even in the long run.

With this program, singles will learn how to…

  • Control your mind and put all the odds in your favor. We’ll tackle mental toughness and how it can make or break your text game.
  • Get your crush replying faster than fast (instead of always getting the cold text shoulder).
  • Put a winning strategy in place so you can stop wasting your precious time chasing after the wrong person.
  • Avoid the biggest texting mistakes that most people unconsciously make. And, more importantly, stop losing killer opportunities with your potential dream partner.

While couples will learn how to…

  • Unlock your partner’s secret fantasies.
  • Improve daily communication and make texting fun instead of a chore.
  • Make your partner crave you as you masterfully unleash unique romantic texts that tease them, intrigue them, and have them begging for more.

And much, much more!

Text Weapon: French Seduction Made Easy eBook is a unique flirting text bible complete with the powerful French touch in the art of seduction.

It contains over 400 pages of relevant and entertaining information.

Inside, you’ll find valuable resources that you can refer to anytime you feel unsure about your next move or you’re lacking creative text ideas.

The tips and tricks revealed inside this eBook would take you years to figure out by yourself.

“I’ve never been much of a texter… lately my husband started sending me really sweet texts. I loved receiving them, but I always felt stupid because I never knew how to answer.”

“After reading the Text Weapon Quick Start Guide I started spicing things up. It gave me the confidence to express myself better. In fact, I think this program not only taught me the ins and outs of texting etiquette, but it also carried over into my everyday socializing and made me a better communicator.”



French Seduction Made Easy – $29.99

Subscriber Testimonials

“I’ve never been much of a texter… lately my husband started sending me really sweet texts. I loved receiving them, but I always felt stupid because I never knew how to answer.”

“After reading the Text Weapon Quick Start Guide I started spicing things up. It gave me the confidence to express myself better. In fact, I think this program not only taught me the ins and outs of texting etiquette, but it also carried over into my everyday socializing and made me a better communicator.”

KSM, Physical Therapist, USA

“I never realized what I was missing in my relationship.”

“This program positively changed my life. Now my husband and I enjoy more of a connection. Our lives are richer, we argue less, and we have learned how to express ourselves better – all while having fun, fun, fun.

It introduced me to new forms of texting that I had never thought about before. The program seemed to be made just for me! The different categories gave me options that fit my mood or my husband’s mood. I’m a visual person, and I don’t usually like long books; however, the illustrations broke up the material and made the book fun and easy to read.

Since I started using the tips and suggestions in the program our relationship has improved 100%. I think this book is the easiest and most affordable way to take your relationship to the next level..

SL, Product Manager USA

“Being so busy with work and a new baby leaves me with little free time.”

“Luckily, the program was easy to follow, had tons of engaging illustrations, and was packed with good ideas for quick and witty messages.

The text time saver formulas really helped me become more creative, and I soon found myself taking my texting to the next level. Text Weapon is light-hearted and fun. “

SC, Sales Professional, USA

We’ve also included a handy quick start guide that will have you sending your own personalized texts faster than you ever thought possible.

There are 15 different categories of messages, totaling over 2,000 creative templates for every stage of a relationship – whether you’re getting ready for your first date, have been together for years, or are forced to be miles apart.

You’ll have message ideas at your fingertips for a huge range of situations. Some of the messages will have you giggling, and others will make you want to open up your collar…there’s really something for everyone. Keep in mind to sound authentic and be successful you should take a minute to personalize these messages before sending them.

We’ll teach you step by step how to craft your own captivating texts in three different “flavors” – funny, sweet, and sexy.

The program also includes useful, entertaining scenarios to help you avoid blowing it with your dream match.

So… what’s the price tag for this ticket into their heart?

It’s not as much as you are probably imaging. In fact, it’s far less than what it’s worth.
Dating coaches typically cost upwards from $80/hour, and you can bet your bottom dollar that not all your dating questions will be answered in an hour.

The program that I’ve put together is like a handheld personal dating/relationship coach that will save you time, energy, and heartbreak. It will also put all the odds in your favor so you won’t stay eternally single, watching one dream partner after another fall for someone else. Or, if you’re in relationship, jealously observing all the flirty couples all around you, while asking yourself “why can’t my relationship be like that too?”.

Isn’t that worth investing a small amount of money?

Why should I try text flirting?

Singles, there are so many great guys and girls out there, and you’re one of them. Unfortunately, sometimes the best people are left on the sidelines because they don’t have a clue how to effectively create desire and keep it burning.

So, next time you meet a fantastic girl, don’t send her: “Nice to meet you, Kevin”.

Instead, make your text stick out from all the rest she receives and wow her with: “Beautiful, smart, and you like spicy wings. This could be love. Kevin”

Long term or long distance doesn’t need to mean boring…

Couples, if you’re in a long term or long-distance relationship, then you know that keeping the passion alive requires a lot of work. It’s hard not to lose track of all the fun, flirty sexiness that you once enjoyed together.

Don’t send your significant other text bombs such as: “Hi, how are you?” or “Want to eat at 5?”
Learn to send them something that will stay in their mind a lot longer, such as: “Loving you is a dream. I never want it to end.”

“I never realized what I was missing in my relationship.”

“This program positively changed my life. Now my husband and I enjoy more of a connection. Our lives are richer, we argue less, and we have learned how to express ourselves better – all while having fun, fun, fun.

It introduced me to new forms of texting that I had never thought about before. The program seemed to be made just for me! The different categories gave me options that fit my mood or my husband’s mood. I’m a visual person, and I don’t usually like long books; however, the illustrations broke up the material and made the book fun and easy to read.

Since I started using the tips and suggestions in the program our relationship has improved 100%. I think this book is the easiest and most affordable way to take your relationship to the next level.



You have a golden opportunity: Take advantage of this unfair, underused seduction weapon before others catch on.

Singles, would you like to learn how to show that special someone that you’re a keeper while pumping up their passion and feeding their desires? Couples, would you like to keep boredom at bay in your long distance or long-term relationships?

One final question. Would you like to do all of that remotely, creatively, inexpensively, and instantly?

Or Learn Flirty Texting… Alone

There’s also the other option. You can decide that you’d like to figure it out yourself, and we can talk strategy in ten years…right about the time that you have missed the opportunity with 100 dream partners (or ruined an existing relationship), spent thousands of your hard-earned dollars on relationship coaching, seminars, and private French lessons.

But why wait? Say yes to this fast-track success program. Buy the TEXT WEAPON: French Seduction Made Easy eBook and start getting more out of your flirty texts today.

“Thanks for the awesome website and texting resources. I am new to online dating and flirting via text so I ordered French Seduction Made Easy.”  -Sean, USA

“Thank you so much! This is great material, especially the ideas in your book and the texting suggestions.”  -Tom, USA

“Thanks, it really worked & I’m very surprised. We’re in a long-distance relationship for the past two years now and we’re still moving forward.”  -BL, Germany


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