Before we talk texting, lets talk Paul. Paul was rocking a hipster beard. He was relaxed, smiling and definitely not trying to be someone he’s not. His accent was beyond …

Fun and practical articles on dating and how to communicate through texting. With advice on what to say (what not to say) and what to do in lots of different dating scenarios. Have fun and remember, we’re around if you want to leave comments and ask questions.
Before we talk texting, lets talk Paul. Paul was rocking a hipster beard. He was relaxed, smiling and definitely not trying to be someone he’s not. His accent was beyond …
Today, I’m really excited to have Justin Stenstrom stop by again and talk about a unique dating book. He is the mastermind behind Elite Man Magazine (formerly Giving Shy Guys …
People constantly talk about how smartphones, technology and nonstop “connectedness” are destroying basic human interaction – but these people obviously aren’t single. The best dating apps that are now on …
Last night you had a great first date. After spending a couple hours engaged in playful conversation and storytelling, you want more. Guess what? If your dreams are going to …
If you’re here reading up on second date tips, congratulations! All that first date preparation has paid off and he has passed the test! Welcome to your second date. Second …
No matter how well you felt the date went, texting after the first date can be scary. After all, what if they said they had a nice time just to …
Think back to the dating scene before cell phones, before romantic texts to score a date became the norm. If a guy wanted to ask a girl out, he had …