Dating and texting are bed buddies. But much like bikini bodies, not all text messages (and curves) are created equal. Get your sexy back, and make sure that each and …

Dating And Texting Mistakes To Avoid

SMS Poems That Wow Your Partner
Have you always steered away from SMS poems because you thought you weren’t a poet? Never fear. Everyone has a poet hidden somewhere deep inside them. As tempting as it …

How To Flirt By Text And Get What You Want
Enter Jeff… Jeff is a 40 year old, good looking, well-educated and confident guy who wanted to master how to flirt by text. He has a gorgeous mouth of pearly …

Text Flirting Advice: The Power Of Experimentation
Text flirting advice comes in many shapes and colors. Today it comes in the form of children’s chemistry sets and dirty old men. Growing up, I had a little chemistry …

Funny Flirty Texts That Make You Unique
2Like many people, I really went to town this year during the Christmas season. Yes, I overindulged, even after reading all the helpful advice scattered throughout magazines, such as “fill …

Apology Text Messages: Three Strategies
Sending apology text messages requires a strategic approach. The content and tone of the text depends on both what you did wrong, and whom you’re dealing with. Some people respond …

Happy Birthday Text Message Guide
Is your happy birthday text message game on point? Because, let’s face it, birthday’s aren’t going anywhere, so let’s get down to the basics. Make it a habit when you …

Cute Flirty Text Messages To Help Stay Connected
Ladies, believe it or not, a lot of men are more attracted to a cute girl than to a sexy girl. If you read about attraction on the internet or …