Showing: 118 - 126 of 249 RESULTS
Dating Tips For Her For Him Texting Tips

Paul Thomas Bell Talks Texting, Dating & Much More!

Before we talk texting, lets talk Paul. Paul was rocking a hipster beard. He was relaxed, smiling and definitely not trying to be someone he’s not. His accent was beyond …

Attraction For Her For Him

Could Emotional Cheating Be Ruining Your Relationship?

While physical cheating can strike you in the face “What! There’s a photo of her kissing another guy on FB?!” Emotional cheating can sneak up on you. Man: “Hey. What’s …

For Her For Him Texting Tips

Being Vulnerable And Intimate Even Via Text

I don’t believe that if you give away something that precious, it’s ever lost. Strong connections shape who you are. Opening yourself up and being vulnerable is the number one …

For Her For Him French Touch

Are You Winking At Me? The Big Wink Debate

Winking…what’s in a wink? The history of the wink is ambiguous, with some attesting its proliferation to Magellan as he made his world voyage in 1520. Regardless of its creation, …

For Her For Him Texting Tips

The Search For The Best New Dating App

Four words: best new dating app But which one? Dating apps have become so individual, so catered that finding the best new dating app is almost like finding the right …

For Her For Him Texting Tips

The Science Behind Confident Texting

Is there really science behind confident texting? Well, yes. According to several scientific studies conducted in the area of psychology and cosmetic science, being confident directly translates to being attractive …

Christmas text messages from Claudia CoxFor Her For Him Texting Tips

Christmas Text Messages: New Relationship Edition

The idea of sending your girlfriend Christmas text messages while in the same room may seem a little odd. But if she’s spending the holidays with you and your family …