Showing: 217 - 225 of 240 RESULTS
For Her For Him Text Flirting

Text Flirting Advice: The Power Of Experimentation

Text flirting advice comes in many shapes and colors. Today it comes in the form of children’s chemistry sets and dirty old men. Growing up, I had a little chemistry …

For Her For Him Text Flirting

Funny Flirty Texts That Make You Unique

2Like many people, I really went to town this year during the Christmas season. Yes, I overindulged, even after reading all the helpful advice scattered throughout magazines, such as “fill …

For Her For Him Texting Tips

Apology Text Messages: Three Strategies

Sending apology text messages requires a strategic approach. The content and tone of the text depends on both what you did wrong, and whom you’re dealing with. Some people respond …

Attract Men by TextingAttraction For Her

Top 4 Tips To Attract Men By Texting

The male population, generally speaking, is quite adept at aggressively seeking women they’re interested in. That being said, not all women are at the receiving end of their attention – …

Texting and DatingDating Tips For Her For Him Text Flirting

Romantic Texts And The Dating Scene Evolution

Think back to the dating scene before cell phones, before romantic texts to score a date became the norm. If a guy wanted to ask a girl out, he had …