Wondering if you should make a move but not sure how she feels about you? When you can see the signs a girl likes you, you’re practically walking on air - and your confidence grows so much that you’re ready to show her the feeling is mutual. Because the thing is that a girl won’t tell you directly she likes you (hint: she’d rather you did this). Instead, all girls are more subtle than that. They’ll give you certain clues, which they hope you’ll pick up on and then make your move. If you don’t, they may just move on.

This article is going to help you spot the clues via text so that you know for sure she’s into you. The more signs a girl likes you over text that you’re able to spot, the more you can be sure that she’s waiting for you to escalate things.

Signs a Girl Likes You Over Text: 10 Ways She’ll Text You

The next time you start texting her, keep a lookout for these clues:

How To Know If A Girl Likes You But Is Hiding It? She Remembers Things

Okay, some girls simply have good memories.

But if a girl starts remembering ridiculous things about you and the things you’ve said, such as how many sugars you put in your coffee or your favorite sports memory (I mean, why not?), it shows that she’s been paying attention.

Lots of attention.

And while you might argue that paying attention is simple social etiquette, the fact that she’s bringing things up via text that you’d forgotten you’d even told her about is a strong sign she likes you.

She Texts First

Don’t you just hate it when you always text first? If it keeps happening, it pretty much always means she doesn’t like you as much as you like her. It sucks but in such cases, it’s better to move on.

On the other hand, if she sometimes texts first, it means something.

The ideal is for there to be balance – sometimes you text first, sometimes she texts first. But the important thing is that she often tries to initiate a conversation some of the times. Even if her first texts of the day are as simple as “hi there,” it demonstrates she’s thinking of you and wants to hear from you.

She Sends You Her Pics

And we don’t just mean that she sends you random pics of her fireplace (okay, maybe that too).

But when a girl likes a guy, she’ll waste no time sending him a selfie she’s just taken if she thinks she looks super cute.

She might even send you a pic and caption it.

And she may even send you a pic of – for example – her new hair and ask what you think of it.

And if you’re lucky, she may even send you racier pics.

She Doesn’t Make You Wait Too Long

More strong signs that a girl likes you are that she’s pretty prompt with her replies.

We’re talking for ten minutes at the most.

See, when a girl takes literally hours to reply all the time, it’s not that she’s busy (no one is always so busy that they can’t reply to a simple text), it’s that she’s not really into you and she is flirting just for fun.

But if she replies fast, it shows that she’s eager to keep the conversation going.

And don’t worry if she sometimes replies a bit later by the way. Sometimes, people really are a bit too busy to get back.

She Flirts With You

Flirting can look like many things in a text. It could be a cheeky question loaded with innuendos, it could be a wink face emoji or it could even be a GIF.

So how do you spot when a girl is flirting with you via text? What if she sends you a ❤️?

Firstly, she’ll be playful. This could mean she loves to use emojis and she likes to tease you.

She’ll also ask questions that are a little suggestive, such as what you’re like as a boyfriend.

The main thing to note is that she’s engaging you, she’s having fun and she doesn’t mind getting a little bit naughty. If she does all these things, she’s flirting with you – and this could mean she likes you.

She Asks Questions

One of the major signs a girl likes you over text is when she asks lots of questions.

Think about it: When a person isn’t interested in someone, they might happily answer your questions (probably because they enjoy talking about themselves) but they won’t ask you any questions.

On the other hand, if she takes an interest in you by asking different questions, such as how your day was or what your dreams are, it shows that she wants to get to know you some more.

She Puts in the Effort

Signs a girl likes you include putting in a lot of effort when it comes to texting.

This means not only will she text you quite frequently but she’ll make sure to write texts that are genuine and even at times quite long!

After all, many girls can send very short texts to guys all day long. It might look like she likes a guy but the reality is that ultra short texts require minimal effort and she could be sending them just to pass some time.

But if she’s writing longer texts to you that cover different topics and which require a lot of thought, it means she digs you on a deeper level.

She Texts You for Advice

Naturally, many women will ask their guy friends for advice because they trust them, value their opinion and genuinely think they could help them out.

So why would a girl texting you for advice mean she likes you?

Well, it depends on the context. If the two of you have been talking a lot recently and she’s now coming to you for advice about something that matters a lot to her, it means she trusts you above everyone else.

It also means she wants to involve you more in her life, which is another strong sign that she likes you.

She Makes Sure to Finish a Conversation

Is there anything more confusing than when you’re talking to a girl and she suddenly vanishes mid-conversation?

And how about those times when she vanishes and returns literally five days later.

In these cases, she comes off a little rude – but it’s also clear that she doesn’t like you enough.

If a girl likes a guy, she’ll make sure to let him know when the conversation is finished for now. Maybe she’ll say ‘shoot, I’ve gotta head out now but talk to you later!’

Whatever she says, if she makes the effort to close the conversation, it demonstrates that she really cared enough about you and values your chats with her.

She Tries to Get Your Attention

Picture the scene: You haven’t replied to her for a couple of hours. No big deal, you’ve been busy and you’ll get back to her when you’ve got a bit of spare time.

But what’s this? You still haven’t replied to the last message she sent, but she’s now sending you random texts, including memes and links to funny videos.

This sort of thing can, of course, have various meanings. But especially when combined with some of the things we’ve discussed above, it could mean that she’s trying to get your attention.

She misses you, she’s wondering where you are, and she’s hoping that she can get you to reply to her by sending a couple of cute follow-up texts without explicitly asking “hey, where are you!”

How Do You Test If A Girl Likes You? She Doesn’t Play Games

Sometimes a girl who likes you might play games just go get your attention.

But one of the key signs that a girl likes you over text who is emotionally mature is that she doesn’t play games.

In other words, she doesn’t go ‘all in’ one minute before disappearing the next. She doesn’t say one thing and then another. She’s straightforward, consistent, and you feel as though you know where you stand with her.

Signs a Girl Likes You Over Text: Final Thoughts

How to know if a girl is interested in you over text? These are the biggest signs that a girl likes you. She’ll flirt with you, ask you questions about you and your day, and she won’t leave you waiting and won’t randomly disappear mid-conversation.

However, despite all this it’s important to remember that there are a couple of things missing when you’re texting each other: You can’t see their tone of voice or their body language.

Therefore, while everything we’ve discussed above are definitely signs a girl likes you, it’s still a smart idea to ask her out to get an even better sense of her feelings in person.

Claudia Cox

Claudia Cox is a modern communication expert who gives singles and couples alike the tools they need to improve their relationships. She is the creator of The Text Weapon Texting Club, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She loves the outdoors, baking tasty treats for friends, and of course, texting.
Learn more about French Seduction Made Easy.

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