Should I text him first? It might just be how he communicates, because he’s male. It’s a commonly held belief that men and women communicate differently, but now science has …

Should I Text Him First? Maybe

When Text Messaging Goes Wrong
Enter Kathryn Brevity is a virtue. But in text messaging – the most abbreviated form of communication since smoke signals – too much brevity can cut your love communications short. …

Paul Thomas Bell Talks Texting, Dating & Much More!
Before we talk texting, lets talk Paul. Paul was rocking a hipster beard. He was relaxed, smiling and definitely not trying to be someone he’s not. His accent was beyond …

Being Vulnerable And Intimate Even Via Text
I don’t believe that if you give away something that precious, it’s ever lost. Strong connections shape who you are. Opening yourself up and being vulnerable is the number one …

The Search For The Best New Dating App
Four words: best new dating app But which one? Dating apps have become so individual, so catered that finding the best new dating app is almost like finding the right …

The Science Behind Confident Texting
Is there really science behind confident texting? Well, yes. According to several scientific studies conducted in the area of psychology and cosmetic science, being confident directly translates to being attractive …

Christmas Text Messages: New Relationship Edition
The idea of sending your girlfriend Christmas text messages while in the same room may seem a little odd. But if she’s spending the holidays with you and your family …

Yes or No, Should I Text Him?
Should I text him? Should I not text him? When should I text him? I stopped texting him and haven’t heard from him, should I text him again? The questions …

The 7 Step Guide To 21st Century Kindness
Kindness is an act that the world can never get enough of: picking a flower for your friend on the way home, handing a child an umbrella as they stand …