Good Cop/Bad Cop – Police interrogators and home appliance salesmen alike use this negotiation tactic to get suspects—or naïve buyers—to crack. I’m sure you’ve seen it on detective shows or …

Good Cop/Bad Cop

Tell Me A Secret
Want to be flirty? How about sharing a secret? Secrets are intimate and exciting because they aren’t something that everyone (supposedly) knows… Most people are taught from an early age …

Domination themed text messages play around with the concept of either commanding control over your partner’s body or actions, or relinquishing your own personal power. Why is it sexy? Because …

Specific Kisses
Flirting by text doesn’t have to be difficult. Adding specific kisses to your texts lets your partner know they are sexy. They’re also a great way to relive “intimate memories,” …

For Those Far Away
Having spent many years in a long distance relationship, I learned firsthand that it’s difficult to keep the flame alive. It takes a lot of work and creativity. Fortunately, flirty …

Thinking Of You
Would you like to get romance back where it belongs? Well then you should start here. No matter who you are or where you’re from, it feels good knowing that …

How to Make A Girl Want You Through Expert Texting
Guys, be warned. Do enough Internet research about how to make a girl want you, and you are probably going to end up in some weird territory. More than likely, …

Top 4 Tips To Attract Men By Texting
The male population, generally speaking, is quite adept at aggressively seeking women they’re interested in. That being said, not all women are at the receiving end of their attention – …

Romantic Texts And The Dating Scene Evolution
Think back to the dating scene before cell phones, before romantic texts to score a date became the norm. If a guy wanted to ask a girl out, he had …