That is why I have compiled a list of the 5 ways you can let him know you like him through one of the most difficult mediums to decipher………… text …

5 Ways To Let Him Know You Like Him When You Text

Texting Game: How to Improve Yours
I remember the first time I came away from an inspiring and exciting text conversation. I was pleased as punch because I assumed that it was ME who was responsible …

SOS! No Response To Text (What To Text When They Don’t Respond)
You’d think that sending a quick text message to someone would be easy and care-free, but NOPE. People expect a lot from a short message. Like an answer. Are you …

Texting Your Crush: 5 Texting Techniques That Will Keep Him Interested
Texting your crush can be an absolute minefield. Whenever he ends a conversation with a solemn “K” you spend the next two hours trying to come up with something to …

Why Am I Single? Stop Over-Analyzing Your Text Messages!
Why am I single? Do you know what it is? It’s technology. The stats are impressive: – Over 6 billion texts are sent every day in the US alone. – …

James Preece – Dating Guru And Relationship Expert
It’s not every day that you get to chat with a relationship expert. One with over a decade of experience helping singles all over the world end up blissfully “coupled …

Text Message Flirting: 6 Messages You Should Send To A New Date And 1 Surprising Thing You Should Never Do
Enter Jonathan Text message flirting and texting a new date is always hard. There are so many things that could be said but where to start? Can’t send one too …

Texting Tips For Texting Him Down Gently
The best texting tips aren’t always about being more flirty. Sometimes they are about easing yourself out of an uncomfortable situation. You know the story, you met a guy a …

Texting Etiquette Tips To Keep In Mind Every Time
That’s right! 1992 was not only the year of the summer Olympics in Alberta, France and Barcelona, Spain, it also brought the world text messaging.In a 2015 Pew Research survey …