Not everyone is lucky enough to spend New Year’s Eve with the person they most want to be with. Maybe your partner is far, far away due to family commitments, or work. Whatever the reason you’re getting denied your midnight kiss, you can still kick off the New Year with a bang by sending one these 16 text messages.

You’re standing in a crowded room, the count-down is on, and everyone is pairing off – 3…2…1…
And there you are, sending a Happy New Year text!

You may not be with your special someone tonight, but that doesn’t mean you should forget about them. And sending a text right on the dot of midnight is a romantic way to let someone know that they are with you, wherever they are.

But this isn’t just an ordinary text. Oh no. It’s literally a once in a year kind of text, and it comes with a heck of a lot of rules – get this one wrong and your new year is off to a bad start. Nail it, however, and make it the first of many successes for 2016.

The Happy New Year Text

The New Year is a unique type of special day. It’s both a time to let go of problems that have plagued you throughout the previous year, and a time to reaffirm positive commitments and intentions that you and your partner wish to carry with you into the year ahead.

How do you do this with one little text, you ask?

By making New Years’ Resolutions of course!

Craft an awesome Happy New Year text by making a New Years’ resolution and sending it to someone special on the stroke of midnight. Make a resolution that is 100% focused on the two of you – your past, your future, and how you’re going to strive to improve on your current perfection – and you’ve got a winning text!

If you’re not sure what this kind of text message looks like, here are 16 examples of Happy New Year text messages you can send to welcome 2024..

16 Happy New Year Text Messages

Happy New Year!…

1. … this will be the year I thank you every day for continuing to be the kind of person I want, need, and love.

2. … I promise that this year is going to be better the last year, and nowhere near as good as next year

3. … resolution #1: tell you I love you twice as many times as last year…

This year was perfect, but I can’t wait to make next year even better

5. … My New Years’ resolution is to always kill the spiders…and hold your hand.

6. … Everyone here is with someone they love. This is the last time I’m going to be without you in 2016

7. … I’ve written a list of all the reasons you amaze me. I’m so lucky to have you in my life

8. … Even though you’re not here I wanted you to know I’m thinking about you right now. You and I, forever.

9. … My top priority for this year is you

10. … Keep this text to hold me to my promise that in the new year I will never let you down, never make you cry, and always give you a hug when you ask for one

11. … My New Years’ resolution is to let go of every negative thing that happened last year, and only focus on the positives – and my biggest positive is you ☺

12. … 1. Exercise more 2. Read a new book every month 3. Remind you each and every day how special you are

13. … Last year my resolution was to fall in love. I guess sometimes you actually do get what you want!

14. … My list of goals for this year is long, but you’re at the top

15. … If you were here right now I’d be kissing you. But as you aren’t, I’m making it my new years’ resolution to give you a New Years’ kiss every morning until the end of time

16. … How do you improve on a perfect year? This year will be bigger, better, and filled with even more love than the last

Sending someone you’re into a Happy New Year text at exactly midnight on the biggest night of the year is a pretty special thing.

It shows them that amazing things may well be happening around you, but you’re standing there, thinking of them. And what’s more, you’ve made the text completely about your fabulous future together, and your amazing past. Wouldn’t you love to receive a message like that as fireworks are going off all around you?

One last thing – don’t wait until the last minute to craft your Happy New Year text. Put some thought into it beforehand so that it truly comes from the heart (and so that you’re not 6 glasses down when you’re thinking of what to say!)

Happy New Year!

Bisous x Claudia

Claudia Cox

Claudia Cox is a modern communication expert who gives singles and couples alike the tools they need to improve their relationships. She is the creator of The Text Weapon Texting Club, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She loves the outdoors, baking tasty treats for friends, and of course, texting.
Learn more about French Seduction Made Easy.

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