When it comes to online dating, many of us struggle with the introductory message. How can you get people interested in you, making it impossible for them not to reply to you? Composing that first message is hard. It’s especially hard if you’ve already composed and sent out literally hundreds of greetings to men or women and got a grand total of one response. One response out of a hundred messages!

Unless you use one of the best opening lines for online dating, it can totally happen. And when it does, it can knock your confidence. It can make you want to give up. It can put you in the state of mind where even if you come across a really interesting, good-looking person you just KNOW you’d get along with, you close the laptop and curl up in bed.

“There was no point messaging them. No one replies to me anyway,” you say with a sigh before deleting your account.

The Real Reason For Their Silence

But know this right now – the reason they’re not responding has nothing to do with the way you look. It’s all down to the fact that you are NOT using one of your best opening lines for online dating.

Your opening line is crucial. If it doesn’t make any sort of connection with the other person, they won’t even care what you look like.

Heck, they might care so little that they don’t even view your profile.

Have you ever gotten that? You message someone and get frustrated, not because they haven’t replied to you … but because they haven’t even viewed your profile! What’s the deal with that?!

There is a very simple reason – your opening line game is weak. Instead of bewitching them and compelling them to compose an interesting message of their own, you made zero impression whatsoever.

To make sure that you get beyond the first message, let’s take a look at how to compose one of the best opening lines for online dating.

Grab Their Attention

Remember that time you used to say, “Hey. How are you?”

Or how about that time you said, “Hey hun, how are you, hun?”

Come on. You can do a lot better.

If you want a reply, you need to get their attention.

Say something you KNOW makes your message stand out from all the other generic messages they receive in their inbox. Surprise them with a genuinely unique way of starting a conversation with a stranger you’ve never met before.

Ask them if they prefer pancakes, bacon, avocados, or Netflix for breakfast.

Ask them if Netflix was the best invention ever, or if avocados were.

Be original. Think outside the box. Heck, think like there isn’t even a box in the first place!

Make It About Them

A big mistake you can make is to make your opening line all about you:

“Hi, I’m Brad. I’m 24, LOVE dogs and am about to graduate from university this year. I saw your profile and thought you seemed cool. Want to chat?”

Make your opening line all about THEM. Treat your opening line just like a salesperson would treat their sales spiel: compliment them and put them center stage.

This is not about you.

“You seem pretty awesome and your taste in music is impeccable!” instantly grabs their attention because you’re shifting focus on them. By mentioning their taste in music, you’re also showing that you’ve actually read their profile.

And FYI, “wanna chat?” is a terrible line that must be avoided at all costs.

Focus On Something They Like And Run With It

Let’s say they’re big fans of Marvel Comics. It’s probably a big deal in their life if they put comic images on their profile. You could begin your opening line by mentioning comics, and then adding a question.

For example: “So, you’re a big fan of Marvel Comics! Me too. But here’s the ultimate question – which hero is your favorite?”

Asking a fun question related to their interests is an easy way of arousing their attention, and increases the chances that they’ll reply to you.

You can do it with anything. If they’ve included ice cream as one of their ‘likes’, ask if it’s acceptable to get through a whole tub of Ben and Jerry’s while watching Avatar.

The Best Opening Lines For Dating Are The Fun Ones

You’ve always got to be positive with your opening lines, but you should also be fun and, if possible, relevant.

What does it mean to be relevant? By sending out a message that is orientated towards their life today.

For example,

– You could ask them to describe themselves in no more than 3 emojis.
– Fooooooood

Everyone loves food. Everyone loves to talk about food.

So why not begin your message with a line about food?

“This online dating thing makes me so hungry. But what’s better, hummus with pretzels or cheese and crackers?”

These are a few of the best opening lines for dating. If you have any you’d like to add, feel free to leave us a comment in the box below.

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Claudia Cox

Claudia Cox is a modern communication expert who gives singles and couples alike the tools they need to improve their relationships. She is the creator of The Text Weapon Texting Club, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She loves the outdoors, baking tasty treats for friends, and of course, texting.
Learn more about French Seduction Made Easy.

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