There are a lot of different opinions floating around text flirting and the best way to land a guy’s or girl’s phone number in a bar. Many times, it depends …

There are a lot of different opinions floating around text flirting and the best way to land a guy’s or girl’s phone number in a bar. Many times, it depends …
Friendship SMS quotes are a great way to change up a mundane text exchange. They are also an effective curve ball to throw in when you notice the conversation has …
The difference between a one-time infatuation and a relationship is keeping your man interested, and these flirty text messages to send to a guy you like will do just that! …
Lyrical Relief For How To Deal With Breakups …And there I was, listening to “Making Love Out Of Nothing At All” for the 900th time. When you start voluntarily listening …
Despite what you might think, finding the right trigger words that turn guys on are a little trickier than “Tonight let’s watch Sports center instead of the Bachelor.” OK, actually, …
Many times new relationship advice revolves around what to wear, or how to look. While tucking in your shirt, making eye contact and brushing your teeth are all important, so …
No matter how well you felt the date went, texting after the first date can be scary. After all, what if they said they had a nice time just to …
Salvaging Your Relationship: How To Get The Love Of Your Life Back Couples break up every day. However when it was a deep relationship with a special bond, it’s normal …
Before I dive into this subject, I’d like to make something clear: this article is not focused on turning you into a player. However, it’s important to understand how players …