Seriously, what’s better than falling asleep to flirty good night text messages? When you truly care about someone, you start associating them with feelings of happiness and security. Late at …

Seriously, what’s better than falling asleep to flirty good night text messages? When you truly care about someone, you start associating them with feelings of happiness and security. Late at …
Gallantry: The Secret Behind Male Attractiveness If you ask a woman what makes a man seductive, she probably won’t say it’s his clothes, or his shoes, or his ability to …
My Top Dating Tips For Women Looking For Love After working as a professional matchmaker, coaching clients around the world and personally dating my fair share of guys, I’ve decided …
Can’t He Just Show Up Already? Are you frustrated from the lack of romance in your life? Scratching your head, wondering how to find a guy? Sure, meeting an awesome …
Today we’re going to dive into the art of the apero. Forget the wings – make it a French themed cocktail instead! The apéritif, also known as the apéro, is …
Almost every couple is forced to be apart at some point in their relationship. But this isn’t a bad thing. In fact, you can actually use the distance to your …
Love is in the air…and so are creative text love messages. Sure, some conditions are conducive to cuddling and kissing, such as flowers and private picnics. However, you shouldn’t always …
Funny texting mistakes range from “haha” to “ouch,” to “pass me the butter knife.” While the list of possible funny texting mistakes is endless, below you’ll find a plan of …
Dirty texting ideas to make them drool with excitement. Because, after all, dirty texting has gotten a bad rap. Unfortunate cases such as the Adam Levine cringe DMs have caused …