Having trouble trying to figure out how to turn a guy on over text? Wondering how to make a man horny? The answer is even simpler than you think! You have the power to turn him on right here in the palm of your hand. Just follow these seven easy tips to drive your man absolutely wild with desire at the push of (several) buttons.

Texting is a great way to communicate how youā€™re feeling, whether itā€™s happy, sad, lonely, excited ā€“ or even horny. This article is here to help you with that last one. Read on for seven tips on how to turn a guy on over text!

Tip 1: No Unsolicited Nudes!

Iā€™m not going to talk about the number of nude photo leaks (ew) that have been in the news. Nor am I going to tell you that you arenā€™t in high school. And I’m for sure not going to talk about the problematic scenario of a guy opening a text with a nude photo in it while standing in line for coffee at Starbucks.

But, I will say this: unsolicited nude photos donā€™t excite him (at least in the long run).

First they confuse him. Then shock him. And finally, delight him.

Then they probably give him whiplash as he snaps his head back and forth checking to see that nobody else has seen it. Then give him something to do in the bathroom for 15 minutes.

And then youā€™re right back where you started.

What Now?

So, what’s the secret to how to turn a guy on over text, and keep him turned on long enough to benefit from it?

Building anticipation. Engaging his imagination.

And you just killed any chance of that with your XXX pic.

Nude photos are something that solid couples send each other. But itā€™s important to establish the fact that ā€œthis is for laterā€ first.

So before you strip down, try this next tip instead and learn how to talk intimately with your boyfriend over text. And guess what? Crafting flirty text messages to send a guy is even easier than sending a nude photo.

Tip 2: Tell Him Youā€™re Horny

Yes, it really is that simple. When you tell a guy youā€™re horny it engages the primal part of his brain thatā€™s always geared towards sex. Because when you say Iā€™m horny, he hears, I’m getting some later.ā€

This way you engage his imagination and get him thinking about your body without giving him a good way to assuage those feelings like a photo.

Why Does This Work?

Let me put it this way ā€“ no matter how horny heā€™s feeling, heā€™s not going to take care of himself when he knows youā€™re waiting for him. Texting is the perfect way to tease him and turn him on. Since he canā€™t satisfy his desire, he wonā€™t be able to stop thinking about it.

Text him how badly you want him. That you need him ā€“ now. That you arenā€™t wearing any underwear. That just thinking of him is making you wet.

Go wild! So long as you keep things focused on your own erotic feelings, youā€™ll be sure to drive him wild with desire.

And yes, in case you were wondering, texting something as simple as ā€œI want youā€ will probably work too.

Tip 3: Engage His Imagination, But Keep Him Grounded In Reality

Once again, the key to how to turn a guy on over text (and keeping him turned on) is getting him aroused without getting to the point where you two are having phone sex. Delaying gratification.

The trick to doing that is just as simple as the last tip. Keep everything focused on what you are going to do, instead of what you are doing.

Example Of How To Do It

Text him, ā€œI want you to do this thing to me later.ā€

Or ask him,

ā€œWhat do you want to do to me tonight/over lunch/in the bathroom at your cousinā€™s rehearsal dinner?ā€

Youā€™ll be amazed at where some of your suggestions will take the both of you. And donā€™t be surprised if you end up feeling a bit turned on yourself!

Tip 4: Play Up The Exhibitionist Angle

One of the hottest things about flirting via text is that you can do it from anywhere ā€“ and he could be anywhere too.

So play up the exhibitionist angle a bit. Text him about things you wouldnā€™t normally do. Play with your respective environments to think up some truly wicked scenarios.

Just remember, throughout everything, to keep building the anticipation without gratifying it.

Play I Wish

Text him that you wish he could pleasure you on the way to work. Or that you wish you could have sex with him on his desk, at his office. Itā€™s insanely fun trying to think up wilder and wilder scenarios.

Thatā€™s part of the joy of learning how to turn a guy on over text ā€“ itā€™s doing sexy things in a public place with the added benefit of not getting arrested.

Itā€™s its own reward. The consummation later is just the whipped cream bikini on top.

OK, I know that I only promised you four tips on how to turn a guy on over text, but I decided to surprise you with three more šŸ™‚ So, here goes…

Tip 5: Role Play

Want to know how to turn a guy on over text? Role play role play role play!

Role play is perhaps your biggest weapon when it comes to knowing how to turn a guy on over text. Itā€™s powerful because it gets himand you – to unlock your imaginations and write about your hottest fantasies.

But the best thing? It involves the two of you in sexy scenarios. If a hot story about you two getting caught in a storm doesnā€™t turn him on, he may as well cut it off and mail it in.

Role play via text is really easy to do, too. All you need to get started is a scenario. Then, you can just run with it.

Example Role Play

For example, you could text this to him:

ā€œImagine we were out in this rain. Weā€™re walking down a deserted country lane, literally soaked to the skin. And then we see shelter…What do we do?ā€

Itā€™s then up to him to take the baton. If heā€™s turned on – and he will be – heā€™ll take you down a very sexy path.

Sexy Scenarios

There are lots of wild scenarios you can create. How about this one:

ā€œI hate elevators, I’m always scared Iā€™ll get stuck in one. Course, I wouldnā€™t mind getting stuck for a few hours with you. Imagine if we were heading out to a club and I was all dressed up in my sexy, tight red dress and heels. We take the elevator down – but it gets stuck! What would happen next?ā€

When role playing, pay attention to both the scenarios and the details.

Itā€™s the details combined with the setting and scenario that will drive him crazy.

Tip 6: Tell Him Where You Are

Want to know how to turn a guy on over text? Tell him where you are.

Letā€™s say youā€™re in the lingerie section of a clothing store. Itā€™s arguably the sexiest place you can visit during the day. But donā€™t just visit – text him to tell him youā€™re in there.

Show Him

In fact, donā€™t just tell him – show him. Send him a photo of the underwear youā€™ve just tried on and are about to buy. It will drive him wild with desire. Here are some ways you can caption it:

ā€œCan you guess where I am?ā€

ā€œOops! Look what I just bought.ā€

ā€œI should never be trusted with a credit card.ā€

Heā€™ll know the lingerie isnā€™t for you – itā€™s really for him. And this will turn him on so much that heā€™ll start to boil over!

Voila! How To Turn A Guy On Over Text

On the other hand, maybe youā€™re naked in bed. If so, let him know. This is exactly how to turn a guy on over text:

ā€œAll my clothes are in the wash, so all I can do is lie here naked all day. Shame no one is coming over to keep me warm.ā€

If youā€™re feeling up to it, send him a suggestive pic of some flesh, too. Just keep in mind that it’s easy to share photos, so “flesh with care” and remember the advice in tip 1.

Whenever you go somewhere intimate or sexy, definitely consider sending him a text to let him know. Heā€™ll go into overdrive.

Tip 7: Text Him About Your Dream

Knowing how to turn a guy on over text is all about knowing exactly what he wants to hear from you.

And if he finds out that heā€™s been in your dream, itā€™s the absolute icing on the cake for him.

Itā€™s not even about the supposed male ego. Itā€™s more about the fact that youā€™ve been getting intimate with him in your dreams tells him youā€™ve been thinking about him, desiring him – and simply canā€™t get enough of him.

So What’s Next?

Now that youā€™ve dreamt about him, the stage is set for the next sexy step in real life.

Itā€™s key that you donā€™t be too graphic with what happened in your dream. Instead, dangle the proverbial carrot in front of his eyes, mention your dream and play on the power of suggestion. Here is an example:

ā€œYou were in my dream last night. Iā€™m not sure that I should tell you what happened, as it was kinda naughty. But letā€™s just say it was pretty hot. Are you that wild in real life? šŸ˜‰ ā€

Heā€™ll literally be screaming ā€œMORE MORE MORE!ā€ at his phone – once heā€™s pulled himself together, of course.

How To Turn A Guy On Over Text Final Thoughts

For many people venturing down this playful and flirty road is new territory. Therefore, just like a new fitness routine, I would suggest easing into it. The last thing you want to do is shock your partner and be left wondering why isnt he texting me?

Start Out Slow

If you are normally sending “Hi baby, have a nice day”. You can gradually spice it up by starting with “Hey sexy/tasty, have a nice day” and then maybe move into “Hey handsome/beautiful, want to know a secret?” and then tell them something a little bit naughty such as “I love it when you bite my shoulder…mmmm”

And finally, what’s the most important part of learning how to turn a guy on over text? Make sure that it’s always fun! Happy texting!

For tons of message templates and ideas on how to craft little missiles of seduction, check out my best selling texting resource TEXT WEAPON – French Seduction Made Easy and start sending text messages that make him crave you.

Claudia Cox

Claudia Cox is a modern communication expert who gives singles and couples alike the tools they need to improve their relationships. She is the creator of The Text Weapon Texting Club, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She loves the outdoors, baking tasty treats for friends, and of course, texting.
Learn more about French Seduction Made Easy.

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    1. Hi there,
      Thanks for reaching out, it is really nice to hear from you! Here are a few texting tips for keeping the spark alive:
      – send him random thinking of you messages (be specific and genuine)
      – compliment him (guys don’t normally admit it, but they crave compliments too…)
      – tease him with photos of a new dress, a new pair of sexy shoes…make him imagine how beautiful you will look when wearing them.
      – be playful – if you only have something boring to text, don’t text. The same with rants or anything else negative.
      Voila! A few tips!

        1. Hi Lindsey,
          Hmmm When you say “turn your love on”, do you mean make him want to keep dating you regardless of the distance? The best way to do this is to send him little reminders such as photos, something specific you miss about him, jokes, and of course plans for when you will finally be back together šŸ™‚

    1. Hi Al,
      It’s great to hear from you! The key is to make her feel attractive and appreciated. Be playful, positive and don’t overdo a good thing. From there, a lot depends on the girl and your relationship. For example, how well do you know her? What does she like, etc.

  1. Hi I have this guy friend and he’s my best friend but lately I’m been feeling like he should be more than a friend but I want him to feel the same way….. How do I make him feel like he wants to be with me?

    1. Hi Lexi,
      Going from best friends to more than friends can be tricky…I would start off slowly. Be a little bit more flirty – for example hold eye contact with him a little longer than usual, touch his forearm or shoulder when you are talking, compliment him and don’t talk about other guys around him. Teasing is also a great way to flirt. Challenge him in a playful way instead of just agreeing with him all the time. Little things add up, and can spark a romance between friends. Good luck!

  2. Hi I have a guy friend and we have been texting each other very often. But lately, some unhappiness incident occur and we text not as often as before. However, daily he would text me good morning, afternoon and good nite..that’s all. This morning, he text me “have a great day ahead dear” and Ive not replied him. How do I know if he wants to be with me? or should I disappear for a few days?

    1. Hi Summer,
      What do you mean by “some unhappiness incident”? Did you have a fight? Guys are usually pretty good at letting girls know if they want to be with them or not…I wouldn’t play any games. Reply if you feel like it, and if you have something interesting to say. Otherwise, let him text you and see where it goes. Have fun! šŸ™‚

  3. I met R once and we have been dating but he does not call me we only chat on watsapp he says honey I am still enjoying chatting with you we are coming to that but he does not invite me out but on chat he makes me feel heaven on earth i love gim just want to know if its right

    1. Hi Dorine,
      I would take it slow…especially if you haven’t met him in person yet. Don’t get too attached to someone that you don’t know. Does he live in the same town as you? Tell him about your weekend plans and then see if he suggests meeting up. Maybe he is someone who is only looking for an online flirt.

    2. If you waiting to go out with him it not happen . He wants only chat , he play a game , don’t waste your time . He will break your heart and leave you as soon he can get all of you. Just interesting is his name Roberto? I had the same situation , we never go out , only text and never speak on the phone ,he was playing a game . Awake , you deserve better .

      1. Hi Tona,
        You are totally right…sometimes people just want someone to chat with via text because they are emotionally unavailable or just lonely. I hope that you find a wonderful guy soon!

        1. Thank you Claudia, I hope I’ll find right person, just waste my time with one man who wanted chat or meet only for sex, we always want to love and be loved but to real situation different , don’t attract to man who is wrong for you.

  4. Hey am in love with this guy for two years now and he want a baby so bad while I have twins already in my past relationship and it didn’t work , I ended up raising kids by my own so am afraid if this matter can repeat it self so what can I do?

    1. Hi Didi,
      I think you need to take a careful look at his actions. Is he a man of his word? Does he follow through? Do you trust him? Do you have the right environment to raise more kids in? If you love him, you love having children, and you believe that he would be a good partner (and father) don’t let the past decide your future.

  5. I’m in a relationship for a while now,the spark has gone,we haven’t been talking to each other for a while now. I’m worried
    what should I do

    1. Hi Nono,
      I think that a lot of times the spark disappears when partners don’t feel appreciated anymore. Appreciation is more than just saying thank you. It’s also showing that you are grateful to have someone in your life by making communicating with them a priority in your busy day. You you could start out slowly by sending some random “thinking of you” text messages. For example, send your husband a text message in the middle of the afternoon telling him that you just saw something that made you think of him (be specific). You could also send him a simple, yet sweet message in the morning. “missing your lips on mine”.

  6. Hey Claudia Cox, I’m in a LDR and he’s really easy going and so kind. And he’s a little dirty around his friends. And I’m really shy, I get nervous to call him something simple like handsome, but it seems like to little just to say “I love you baby” and I really want to learn how to turn him on without being dirty and not too weak. Thanks for the help,


    1. Hi Katie,
      You can turn him on without being dirty…the key is to give him something he can visualize, be specific (something you did together) and mix it up (sweet, sexy and funny messages). For example, you could text “Missing your smell on my pillow” or “Just got out of the bath tub…it felt too lonely without you”.
      And most importantly…have fun! šŸ™‚

  7. hi i need your help i met this wonderful guy he is everything anyone could ask for but the problem is that he is from overseas my question is can there be really something serious between us please help me i’m desperate…

    1. Hi Emma,
      It’s nice to hear from you! Yes, it’s possible to build up a relationship with someone who is far away…try and communicate with him on a daily basis (text, Skype, email, etc.). Include him in your daily life (send him photos, share accomplishments, etc.). Just don’t vent and tell him all the negative things that happen, even if it’s tempting. Take your time and build something special…
      Good luck!

    1. Hi Stef,
      In my opinion that’s a red flag…asking someone if they are a virgin is a very intimate question. I think it’s something you should only ask someone when you know them well, and in person. I would run…

      1. Hi,
        So I know this man were just friends, and have been for about two years now. We have been flirting over text quite a bit lately. Not sexually flirting just kind of around the corner flirting. Hints if you will. He has always been there for me and the only person I feel like myself around. Well I have developed feelings for him I’ve tried to ignore. I just so scared to lose him he means a lot to me as a friend. But my feelings are getting stronger and intense. I think I’ve fallen in love with him. I can’t stop thinking about him. When I wake up to the time I go to bed he’s on my mind. I am horney all day to the point where I have to masterbaite about 4-5 times a day. And I still wake up wet in the mornings! I saw him yesterday and he even asked me why I seem nervous and why I’m avoiding eye contact. He turns me on, I feel like if I look at him too long I’m going to cum. I actually almost did a couple of weeks ago! The sound of his voice just drives me crazy. I don’t know what to do. I’m shy and so is he. I wish he would just grab me from behind and push me against a wall and f*** me. How and should I make a move with out seeming to forward? How can I let him know it’s ok and that I want him? Please help! Thank you.

        1. Hi Emily,
          It sounds like you are really into this guy. Next time he starts flirting with you let him know you think he’s attractive by complimenting him on something physical (like how his time in the gym has paid off, his sexy new hair cut, his killer smile, etc.) If he asks again why you’re acting strange, tell him the truth “you are so hot it’s kind of intimidating” and then look him in the eyes and smile. He should take it from there. Just keep dropping hints.

  8. I met this guy through an online dating site, his profile (LDR).This is the first time in a long time. I feel butterflies when we talk, and when I think about him. Is it too soon to express my feelings? Do I wait until we meet to tell him?

    1. Hi Kre,
      I’m so happy that you met someone special šŸ™‚ Yes, I would wait until you meet him in person to tell him how you feel. For the moment just enjoy getting to know him.
      Sending you tons of positive energy xo

  9. I just got into a relationship and the guy I’m with gets horny easily but I don’t like sending pictures and its what he wants. He doesn’t screenshot them or anything but I still don’t feel comfortable sending pictures. What should I do or tell him?

    1. Hi Lia,
      There are a lot of people like you (me included) who don’t like sending naked pics. I would tell him face to face that you are not comfortable doing this, and try sending suggestive pics instead. For example, a photo of your sexy lingerie with a note “waiting for you…” or just visually sexy text messages describing what you are wearing (or not wearing).
      Bisous xo

    1. Hey Julie,
      Even if there is a spark I wouldn’t act on it…it is just going to cause a huge mess in your marriage. Instead, focus on trying to put the romance back in your marriage. Plan a special evening for you and your husband – candles, wine and FUN.

  10. I have been in a relationship for like 7 months with this guy now and we’re pretty serious about each other. But whenever we get intimidate, it’s always me who makes the first move and plays the major part as well. I want him to intiate too, what should I do?

    1. Dear Dimple,
      I would talk to him about it face to face, but you need to pick the right time. If you don’t want to be too direct, then ask him something like “what are your biggest turn on’s?” And when he asks you, tell him that you would love it if he would come in the door and kiss you without saying a word as he undresses you and carries you to the bed (or something along those lines, illustrating that you want him to make the first move). If he still doesn’t get it after the indirect approach, I would tell him straight out “I would love it if you would make the first move sometime and take the lead in bed”.
      Good luck!

      1. I did approach him indirectly before, but now he’s starting to make the first moves all out of sudden which is working GREAT for me! Thanks alot ClaudiaāœŒšŸ»ļøšŸ’•

  11. Hi claudia. So I like this guy. I am older than him. I am a senior and he is a junior. I liked him and I knew he liked me too a little so I confessed my feelings to him because he wasnt doing anything. When I told him I liked him,He said he couldnt date that time, and that he works so he’s busy and now that he’s done with his seasonal job, we’re getting closer but it’s been a few months now since we’ve been talking but he still hasn’t ask me out yet. He takes me to movies, pays for everything too. He even offered to buy a jacket yesterday. He is so sweet. At the movie theater he ask me if I wanted to do it. I mean we’ve been talking bout that but I told him I want to be responsible before I do it but we can do other things. He felt like I rejected him. I really like him a lot but I am also scare to have sex but the thing is yesterday when he said that, it turned me on,and I want to turn him on too so he can want me more. What do you think? Should I do it? If so how should I do it? And should I still keep talking to him?

    1. Hi Angel,
      I wouldn’t rush into anything with this guy, even if you really like him. He hasn’t made a commitment to you yet, and sleeping with him is not going to change that. Just imagine how awful you would feel if you did sleep with him, and he still said he was too busy to date. Keep hanging out with him and enjoy his company. You mentioned that he buys you things, and that’s fine. But, don’t feel any sexual obligation when he pays for things. When the topic turns to sex tell him that it’s something you are reserving for someone you love (aka a serious boyfriend). If he really likes, you he will do whatever it takes to become your boyfriend. If he’s just looking for sex, he’ll move on to another girl. In either case, you win.
      Good luck!

  12. Well I have been with this guy for nine months now and were pretty serious .. And I kinda made him mad and he called off the engagement for now … But he said he still want to get engaged ….. Does he really?????

    1. Hey there,
      It’s really hard for me to say as I don’t know very much about your relationship or why you broke up. However, it’s a good sign if he is still talking to you about a future. Try to move past whatever you argued about and build an even stronger connection. Let him know what you appreciate about him from time to time, and surprise him with some thoughtful gestures (such as a batch of him favorite home made chocolate chip cookies). Do fun things together that you both enjoy and focus on what brought you together in the first place. Work on improving your relationship, and give it some time. Everyone is different when it comes to dealing with conflict. If in a few months he is still unsure then maybe it is time for you to think about moving on…
      I hope everything works out for you! Good luck!

  13. Me and my boyfriend are together for a year now… The thing is we fight too much than we did in the beginning of the relationship. He thinks it’s always me who blames him for everything and makes him feel guilty. Even if he is like actually wrong at times, he doesn’t accept it and justifies it with excuses that are lame. I am trying to let go things and trying to be less emotional so that I don’t give him the power to hurt me and mess up with my head. By doing it, things did go well but now I literally cannot tell him what bothers me as whenever I tell him about why my mood if off he’d think I’m blaming him again for something lame and making a huge deal. So how would I tell him my isssues without making him feel guilty or even make him realise sometimes that he can be actually wrong too.

    1. Hi Anushka,
      It sounds like he is being manipulative by not accepting responsibility for his actions, putting the blame on you and not being open to discussing problems. Unless he wants to change, there is not a lot you can do. You need to decide if you really want to invest in a relationship with someone like that. Email me if I can help.

  14. Hey, I am in a full committed relationship with this guy since 1 year and we are like soulmates, heā€™s really the closest person to me and one of my best friend too! We do see a future together and we even planned for it. But now he came to know that he might have brain tumour in the future according to his medical report that he just got today. I am really scared and I donā€™t know what to do, I know people would prefer to leave someone like him but Iā€™m committed and I donā€™t want to leave him. I canā€™t tell this to any of my family or friends because I know they might tell me to leave him and I canā€™t do that honestly. What do you think I should do, I really need the best opinion rn

    1. Hi Dimple,
      I am so sorry to hear about your boyfriend, what devastating news. It sounds like you share a special bond and a deep love. Deciding to stay with him or not is a very personal decision. I can’t really tell you what you do. If you stay with him you will need to be emotionally strong and possibly make a lot of sacrifices in terms of time and energy taking care of him. This ordeal could bring you even closer together and further cement your bond. If you decide not to stay with him, you could regret your decision later. Or not. You need to listen to your heart. Would he stay with you if the roles were reversed? Would you be angry with yourself for leaving? Would you regret saying? Forget what your friends suggest. You, and you alone need to live with your decision.

  15. Hi, so Iā€™m with this guy for like a 12 months or so and weā€™ve had issues/fights related to his i)female ā€œbestfriendā€ and ii)his ex too. He blocked both of them after SHE blocked him and me! but then it was his birthday and the same best friend wished him and now he follows both of them again on Social media. The thing is he told me to unfollow both of them along with him as she unfollowed first. And now he follows them both for formality and tells me itā€™s my ā€œchoiceā€ if I want to follow them again or not. So now I ended up here looking like the ā€œbad personā€ who has some issues with them. I donā€™t want anyone to think Iā€™m bad or jealous whatever, but then I DONā€™T like them too, as they have caused problems in the past with me and him, what should I do?

    1. Hi Anushka,
      It’s really nice to hear from you! I don’t think that anyone is going to think poorly of you if you do not follow your boyfriend’s ex. I would follow his female “bestfriend” just to avoid drama. If her posts annoy you then mute her.
      Good luck!
      Bisous x

  16. Hi,I met a guy online and I really like him but he texts me irregularly and doesnā€™t reply for hours but then is really nice but when he does reply, he responds with one word answers, how can I make him open up?

    1. Hi Emma,
      I’m not sure you can make someone open up if they don’t want to, especially someone you only know online. The most you can do is ask questions, be engaged and try to meet him IRL. After you have met him a few times you can bring up his sporadic texting.

      Bisous Claudia

  17. Hey, so I met this guy in an online game last May.. one week after we met he said he likes me in a romantic way. He’s really sweet and all that but I thought to myself that ‘we just met gosh. Liesss!’ so I rejected him and quite pushed him away. 2 months has passed but he still chats me his sweet goodmornings and goodnights and I think I’m falling for him.

    After realizing my feelings for him, I started responding to his sweet talks and also started to call and do video chats. But I’m scared. He says he loves me but I don’t know if it’s true. He says he’s gonna save money to be able to visit my hometown to see me. I know this is just a small problem but should I continue liking this guy I just met 2 months ago, not to mention online..

    1. Hi Kitty,
      If you still haven’t met him in person yet, take it slow. Don’t fall too hard and keep your options open. Be wary if a guy says he loves you so quickly…love takes time.

  18. Heyy, I am in a committed relationship since more 1 year with a guy and I recently tried something with my boyfriend but honestly I hated it in general. Now HE and even few of my best friends are making me feel bad and saying that I should try not to think it as gross and do it as it is a common thing these days. I hated it and literally everyone is making me feel bad for it and my boyfriend wants me to do it even though he says he is fine without it. I donā€™t want to change my mind but how do I make everyone understand thatā€™s it is ACTUALLY gross and I am a normal human being for not liking it?!

    1. Hey there,
      Don’t feel pressured by your friends or your boyfriend to do anything you feel uncomfortable with. Not everyone has the same sexual tastes. There are tons of other things you can try. You are a normal human being and you have the right to like or not like something.

  19. Hello, me and my boyfriend brokeup because he constantly said that he didnā€™t want any relationship rn with me and that he doesnā€™t think we will last in future. I told him that Iā€™m willing to give you a perfect relationship by solving every problem, and all he has to do is just give us a chance thatā€™s it. He just didnā€™t want to stay with me for no reason. So I decided to stop begging and said Goodbye. Now I donā€™t know if I should go out with my friends at a concert where he will be there with HIS friends (who hates me) or should I stay home?

  20. Hi. I’m kind of new in this relationship and every time it’s my boyfriend satisfying my pleasure over the phone since it’s a long distance relationship. I want the tables to turn. Plus it’s kind of a long distance relationship so we mostly talk over the phone. I need your help. And omg I’m so shy. Like very very shy. I normally don’t know how to start these stuffs. I need your help pleaseeeeeeeeee. Thank you.

    1. Hey there,
      Do you talk, text or Skype with your boyfriend? If you text, write down a few things beforehand, so when you are chatting you don’t run out of ideas. If you are speaking or Skyping with him, start slowly and ask him open ended questions like “what would we be doing if I was next to you right now?” or you could ask him his favorite place to be kissed. You could also tell him something about him that turns you on, for example his smell, the way his shirt grips his back, how safe you feel in his arms, the heat of his body when it’s pressed up next to yours…
      In a nutshell, think about what turns you on and then go from there!
      Good luck xx

  21. Don’t know how i got here but you get the point just fine. If it’s possible to think dirt, we’ll do that. If a girl is thinking about him, his horn-o-meter (and hid pants) will explode. Just give us a thing to start with (like location or clothing) and we will imagine the leftover in the most onturning way.
    These tips are 100% man certified

  22. Hello, I went on a date with this guy, and we sparked very well! The date was like a dream come true for both of us! The thing is he is already in a Long distance relationship for 5 years and we still went out both of us knowing he is not single. After the amazing date, he texted me he really liked and we vibe soo much together like no one! He then told if we can ā€œFRIENDS WITH BENEFITSā€ as he cannot commit to me as he already is in a LDR. It broke my heart, that he wasnā€™t nothing more than that and wonā€™t even consider dating me. Should I stay friends and go out with more maybe that will make him fall for me and leave his gf?? Or should I cut him off?

  23. Me and this guy have been Friend with benefits! He is in a long distance relationship with another girl, and he still wanted to hookup with me as we share a great bond and chemistry. Now I just patched up with my boyfriend, and so we both are in a relationship now with other people. As soon as I started uploading pictures with my current BF, he stopped texting me. He doesnā€™t want to hangout with me anymore. Is he jealous or what you might think change his mind? I want to hangout with him and I told him that but he isnā€™t showing any interest In me? What should I do because I donā€™t want to loose him even just as a friend??!

    1. Hi there, I would not reconnect with him right now, let him go. Focus on your bf and rebuilding your relationship. Spending time with the “friends with benefits” guy is only going to complicate your life. If at some point you are both single and you are still interested in him, contact him and start fresh.

      1. He said yesterday that he now just wants to be ā€œbest friendsā€ as he doesnā€™t want to loose me from his life. He then added that he wants someone to talk to as well. And now again heā€™s ignoring me, when i agreed to be his bff. Iā€™ve know him for a while and even I donā€™t wanna loose himšŸ˜”

        1. It sounds that you have done everything you could to pave the way for friendship. Now you just need to be patient – it’s all very new (only yesterday). Focus on your other friends, your bf, yourself and staying busy. Bisous, Claudia

          1. He finally texted me and invited me at his place on Friday. I just wanna hangout, but I think he might be excepting me making out with him idk. For now Iā€™ve agreed, as heā€™ll be gone to his home town in a few days, and I just wanna see him once before that. I donā€™t know what might happen, all I know is I just want to see him once.

          2. If you want to see him before he leaves (and you don’t want anything to happen), I would suggest meeting him some place public and not at his place…
            Good luck!

          3. Since these last few weeks after I got back with my ex, whoā€™s now my current boyfriend again.
            I realised that I love him but Iā€™m not IN LOVE with him.
            We broke up for like a month gap and between that time, I met this new amazing guy, but me and this new guy ended up in a FWB as he already has a girlfriend long distance.
            Now the guy( the FWB one) that I actually really like, is ignoring me after seeing pictures with my current bf. The most perfect situation I wanted would have been for my FWB guy to be my boyfriend, but he is now ignoring me now.
            What should I do?! Itā€™s not fair to me or to my current bf either as I cannot fully love him because of my strong feelings for the FWB guy, who I really want to be with.

          4. Hi Amy,
            You’re right, it’s not fair to your current bf if you are in love with someone else. It’s also not fair that your fwb is ignoring you because you are back together with your bf. He has a long distance girlfriend, so it’s not like you are being unfaithful to him. It sounds like you need to change the situation. If you aren’t in love with your boyfriend then you should probably let him go – you are wasting your time and his time. As far as the fwb think about what a future with him would be like – he’s cheating on his current girlfriend and he has different standards for you and him. Is that what you really want? Maybe test the single waters for a while…
            Let mem know if I can help.

          5. Today the fwb called me over at his place. I went as it was his last day and I wanted to see him bad. We then eventually kissed but he pulled away and told me he cannot do this as he was feeling guilty. He then said I wasnā€™t the reason or nothing is wrong with me, but heā€™s picturing his gf while doing anything with me and missing her and feels guilty. He asked me to cuddle and then we just hangout at his place as normal friends. Now maybe he will never text me or just forget me because he has no reason to contact me anymore. Maybe thatā€™s why he was ignoring me recently idk. He said he will miss me but I donā€™t know if thatā€™s even true lol. I wanted to really be with only him and really want him to be my boyfriend, I donā€™t know what to do. This whole situation sucks.

  24. Hii Claudia, So I met this guy through IG in October, we met after weeks of texting each other. The first meeting went really well, and we even kissed. Heā€™s in Switzerland for now to complete his studies and weā€™ve still been talking on Snapchat. Recently heā€™s been sending me snaps too much, maybe to get my attention Idk. So I did the same in return and now heā€™s pulling away. Whenever our streak is formed on Snapchat he deliberately breaks it. Itā€™s a cycle now. Iā€™m tiring of playing this game lmao. I did talk to him and he said he doesnā€™t want to talk to me daily but he wants to be in touch until he returns back in September. Iā€™m waiting for better days when I can finally be close to him and text him whenever or maybe even daily. Should I call him out again or let go with the flow yet again?!

    1. Hi there,
      I’m sorry for the delay, things have been crazy. It’s a small world…I am also in Switzerland! If he told you straight out that he doesn’t want to communicate daily, then I wouldn’t push it (as frustrating as it is that he sometimes over communicates). I also wouldn’t sit around and wait for him until September. Keep chatting with him, trying to send fun, interesting messages that help you get to know each other better, but leave your options open. Then, when he is back home in September spend some quality time together IRL (hoping that’s possible) and let him know what you expect from a relationship.
      Email me if I can ever help.
      Bisous x

  25. Ohh youā€™re too in Switzerland as well haha! We didnā€™t snapped for a few days in between and then he texted me 2 days before asking how I was doing in this quarantine situation! The conversation went good. But then I havenā€™t heard from him again, and today I just came to know that he UNLIKED All my pictures on Instagram, expect for one. Iā€™m so confused, I donā€™t know what that means?! Why would he unlike my pictures all of a sudden. He isnā€™t even replying to my snaps on Snapchat.

    1. Hi Dimple,
      He’s giving you mixed messages by texting you to check in and being sweet and then unliking all your photos and ignoring your snaps. I wouldn’t start a text convo asking him what’s going on, it will probably just blow up on you. So, I wouldn’t send him anything more for the moment. If you don’t hear from him for a week or so, send him a text (he seems to prefer texting) just checking in to see if he’s still doing OK during this crisis and send him something funny to get the conversation going.

  26. Hello again! I did what you suggested me and things went good!
    But now heā€™s being VERY like way too much lame with me. It seems like heā€™s going through something not related to me, but also trying to distance himself from me. I tried texting me to start a conversation normally, but he replied so lamely with just single words. This isnā€™t going anywhere and I think I have waited enough for him to come around. He always does come back again and I couldnā€™t control my self and jump right back to him happily.Everything is going according to him. Heā€™s clear in control of the situation whenever itā€™s its convenient and I wanna change that. šŸ˜”

    1. Hi Dimple,
      I’m sorry to hear that he’s acting lame. I think you are right, it’s something not related to you and out of your control. You deserve more than one word answers and a guy that is only in it for convenience. If you are truly ready to walk away from the situation, then I would let him know. Ideally by phone or FaceTime, but if that’s not possible send him a text. Tell him in a nice way that you noticed his distance and you are going to give him space to work out whatever is going on in his life. Let him know that he can text you when he is ready to chat. Then, stop texting him and continue with your life. If he does text back 2 weeks, 2 months or 1 year from now you can decide if you want to pick up with the relationship or not. In this way you are taking back control.
      Stay strong.

  27. Heyy Claudia!
    Iā€™m ready at odds rn with my current situation. Alot happened, I messed up really bad. Iā€™m back with a person who was my ex. And I was still in touch with the Switzerland guy as I wasnā€™t sure about my feelings for my current bf. My current bf hacked my profile and found out about the Switzerland guy. He accused me of cheating and then told me to block the Switzerland guy. I talked to him that Iā€™m in relationship and that I have to block you in a short conversation before blocking him. He told me to save my relation first here and not think about him and that he is sorry to my current bf too. I Do feel very guilty but Iā€™m missing the Switzerland guy and I always wanted him to date me but he didnā€™t even tried to stop me from blocking him and didnā€™t even confess anything to me before I blocked him. Do you think I should unblock him and tell him how I feel? I am scared of rejection from Him and I am also scared to hurt my current bf by telling the truth about my feelings for the Switzerland guy. What should I do? Iā€™m just torned between doing the right thing or doing what I actually want according to my feelings. Please help

    1. Hi Dimple,
      I’m so sorry for the delay, your comment was hidden. First of all, it’s not a good sign that your current boyfriend hacked your profile. Either he trusts you or he doesn’t. If you are going to build a relationship with him then he needs to understand that is not acceptable behavior. As far as the guy in Switzerland, he sounds like he is not looking for a relationship at the moment. I wouldn’t chase after him. If you really like him, then keep his contact information for the future, but don’t try to force something he doesn’t seem to want. Right now the biggest thing you should be focusing on is whether or not you want to be with your current boyfriend- if you are in love with him, or if you are just with him out of convenience. Please email me anytime if I can help – [email protected]

  28. Hii Claudia! I finally sent him a text on his birthday wishing him! And he replied, we had a short conversation and I asked him when was he coming back to my town. He vaguely reported ā€œmostly next monthā€. I wrote ā€œthatā€™s great!ā€ And then he never replied. I requested him to follow on Instagram and he accepted my request but did not follow me back. He also read my last text now as I can see the blue ticks and did not reply. Should I unfollow him or should I wait till next month if he approaches me in case? As he said heā€™ll be in town next month.

  29. I met this guy online and we’ve known each other for over a year now started dating few months back
    We still haven’t gotten to meet because of d kind of situation m surrounded by”my strict type of parents “and I really feel bad for him and I don’t know what to do about it cos I really need to see him, be around him ,feel him and have a taste of him

    1. Hi Debby,
      It is nice to hear from you! I’m sorry that you are feeling frustrated because you can’t meet your boyfriend in real life…but if you are a minor then you really need to listen to your parents. I am sure they are trying to protect you because they love you. Just be patient and stay safe.

  30. I am also in a long
    Distance relationship i made him horney once and that scared the crap outa me and i wanna know how to turn him on without scaring myselfšŸ˜…

    1. Hi Alex,
      If you feel like you went to far too fast then scale it back a little. Be flirty without being overly sexual. Text him how you miss his kisses, hugs or just the feel of his hand when he reaches out to hold your hand. Flirty texting shouldn’t make you feel scared, it should be fun!:)

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