Christmas is almost here! Yay! Christmas is many peoples’ favorite time of year. Lots of us make a great effort to visit our loved ones across the miles. We eat food with them, drink with them and laugh with them. Christmas is all about spending quality time with the people you love, and letting them know how much they mean to you. If you are unable to see someone this year, the next best thing to do is to send them a Merry Christmas text message that reminds them that they are always in your heart.

Can you really make someone smile this Christmas with a text instead of a card? Of course you can with a Merry Christmas text message!

Words are powerful things – they can be magical. Demonstrating your love and friendship for someone whom you can’t see this year via text will only take a few moments of your time, but it’ll help to strengthen the bond that exists between you.

If you are a bit stuck on deciding how to wish someone a happy holiday, here are some Merry Christmas text message suggestions.

You don’t have to take them at face value. Use them as inspiration, tweak them, customize them – do what you want with them!

Happy Christmas Text Message

“May your Christmas be filled with great happiness and joy, and may each day from now on be magical.”

This is a text wishing someone lots of happiness over the Christmas period and beyond.

I think it’s important that everyone enjoys Christmas and has a magical time, but why let the magic stop there?

Remind your loved ones that you love them and want to see them happy, not just at Christmas, but throughout the whole year.

Gift On The Way Merry Christmas Text Message

“Sorry I can’t see you at Christmas this year. I’ve told Santa what I wanted to get you – he should be delivering it soon! (He owes me a favor!!) Have a fab time!!”

This a fun text to send to a beloved friend whom you can’t see this year, but for whom you’ve already bought and mailed a gift.

It lets them know that you haven’t forgotten about them and that you’ve gotten them a surprise.

By bringing the bearded guy into the conversation, you’re also adding humor and making them smile this Christmas, despite you not being around to see them!

Meet Up Soon Text Message

“So annoyed that I can’t see your face this Christmas! Merry Christmas! I hope you and yours have a fabulous time! Let’s meet for drinks in the new year??”

If you’ve got a friend you’re really disappointed you can’t see this Christmas for whatever reason, it’s a good idea to:
a) let them know that you miss them and are thinking about them at this special time of the year, and b) make tentative plans to meet up with them as soon as possible.

Miss Our Friendship Text Message

“I know we won’t be seeing each other this Christmas, but I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, and to also let you know how much you mean to me. I care about you a lot, and hopefully we can see more of each other in the new year.”

If you have a friend who you genuinely care for, but who you just don’t see all that much of anymore, Christmas is the perfect time to remind them of how much they mean to you.

Let them know you value their friendship, and that you’re thinking of them.

Good Things Are Coming text Message

“I hope Christmas waves its magic wand over you guys this year. You deserve it.”

This is a text you could send to a family you know who have had a rough year. Perhaps their financial situation has gotten desperate, or maybe they’ve experienced an illness in the family.

Whatever it is, you could send this thoughtful text to let them know you care about them, and want only happiness for them.

Evoke the spirit of Christmas in them, remind them that magic happens at this time of the year. Make them smile.

I’m Always Here Text Message

“Don’t let the past steal your present. This is the message of Christmas – we are never alone.’ Merry Christmas. Stay strong. If you ever need me, I am just a phone call away.”

The first part of this Merry Christmas text message is actually a quote by Taylor Caldwell, and I think it works well as a message to anyone who has been feeling a bit lonely and despondent recently.

It isn’t easy to raise someone’s spirits at Christmas if they’re truly down in the dumps, and your text message isn’t going to change their lives. But if thoughts matter, then letting your friend know that you are here for them is more important at Christmas than it is at any other time of the year.

Funny Merry Christmas Text Message

“Remember that time I was flirting with Santa at the mall and it turned out to be your uncle?! I miss our fun times!! Merry Christmas!”

You could send this sort of text to an old friend who you used to have a lot of fun with, but who you don’t see anywhere near as much anymore.

Bringing up fond memories is an ace way of wishing someone a Merry Christmas. It stirs old feelings, makes them smile, and might pave the way for you two making an effort to get together over the holidays.

And what’s wrong with reminiscing? It’s awesome!

Our First Merry Christmas Text Message

“I’m so excited that I get to spend my first Christmas with you this year. I hope it will be as magical as my dreams. I love you so much. See you under the mistletoe.”

This is a text to send to your lover. Let them know how much you’re looking forward to spending some quality time with them this year. Get them excited. Put them in the mood for love.

These are just some Merry Christmas text messages ideas. All that’s left now is for you to crack open the eggnog and get texting! Happy Holidays! xx Claudia


Would you like to master the important skill of texting once and for all? Check out my best-selling eBook French Seduction Made Easy. It has over 400 pages of valuable information, entertaining scenarios, and helpful text message templates. The program teaches you how to ignite the flames of desire and keep them burning strong. You’ll have more fun and make stronger connections than you ever thought possible. Ready to find that special someone who’s worth your time and energy? And text your way into their heart?

Claudia Cox

Claudia Cox is a modern communication expert who gives singles and couples alike the tools they need to improve their relationships. She is the creator of The Text Weapon Texting Club, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She loves the outdoors, baking tasty treats for friends, and of course, texting.
Learn more about French Seduction Made Easy.

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