Christmas is a time for giving, forgetting, forgiving, eating, drinking - and loving. It's a time for romance, seeing more couples getting engaged on Christmas Eve than any other day of the year. It's a time for friendship and family, too, with millions of people around the world making the effort to see their loved ones over the holidays. For many, it's one of the rare times we get to spend more time than usual in the arms of our partner, taking walks, smooching in bed and watching movies under the blankets together.

Don’t forget that flirty Christmas text messages also have a coveted place in your celebrations.

If you have a few special people in your life and want to wish them a merry Christmas via text, here are some flirty Christmas text messages for all occasions.

What to Text a Friend You Haven’t Seen for Too Long

The thing with some friendships is that we can sometimes go far too long without seeing them. Life just gets in the way. Before we know it, we haven’t see them all year – or longer.

If you’ve got a friend whom you haven’t see for too long, Christmas is the time to send them a heartfelt message that reminds them that you’re still thinking about them. Here are some examples:

˝It’s been far too long, but I hope you’ve had an amazing year! 2024 is the year we WILL arrange to do something.˝

˝I know we haven’t seen each other in forever, but I wanted to send lots of goodwill this Christmas! Let’s make it a New Year’s resolution to meet up this year.˝

˝I was just thinking about the fun we used to have at Christmas. Missing you SO much! Merry Christmas and let’s do something soon!˝

Flirty Christmas Text Messages to Send a Crush

Christmas is the time most people get engaged, right? I’m not saying you should propose this Christmas (though that would be awesome), but if there is a certain someone you’ve been crushing on for a while, there will never be a better time than this festive season to arrange to meet up and take this to the next level.

Here is what you could text your crush:

˝Merry Christmas! If you’re free this holiday season, may I propose a coffee, an eggnog – or tequila shots?!˝

˝I hope you have a great Christmas! I’ve got a few days off work if you’d like to go for a walk, catch a movie – or help me win the local reindeer chariot championships?!˝

Flirty Christmas Text Messages to Send Your Partner

‘Tis the season to be… sexy?!

Absolutely! If we can’t get sexy with our partners at Christmas time, when can we get sexy?

There is no better way of getting yourselves in the mood this Christmas than with flirty, festive-themed texts. They’ll drive your partner wild!

Forget boiling the vegetables – this is all about ringing your own desires to boiling point. Here are some examples:

˝Merry Christmas! Is Santa going to deliver you to me this year?˝

˝Those stockings that were on my wall? I’m wearing them. Just them. Merry Christmas.˝

˝So, it turns out that I’m on Santa’s naughty list again. Your fault. Wanna come over and help me be the naughtiest person on it?˝

Non Flirty Festive Texts For Your Boss

I get it; you really should text your boss to wish them a Merry Christmas. It’s polite and might even put you on their good side.

Heck, it might even lead to a promotion next year!

But how do you wish them a Merry Christmas via text without it looking awkward, contrived, inappropriate, or massively obvious that you’re trying to get into their good graces!?

All you need to do is to keep it short and sweet.

Here are some examples:

˝Hey, just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!˝

˝Thanks for all you’ve done for me this year, really enjoyed working with the team. I hope your Christmas is awesome!˝

˝Happy holidays! See you next year!˝

And know what? Your boss will appreciate it.

Flirty Christmas Text Messages to Send a Long-Distance Partner

Christmas is supposed to be the warmest, happiest time of the year. For some, however, it’s actually the loneliest.

The festive season can really bite when you can’t spend it with your partner. If you’re in a long-distance relationship and want your partner to feel the love this Christmas, here is what you could send them:

˝Although we may be far apart this Christmas, know that I’m going to work extra hard to make sure we get to spend it together next year. It will be the best Christmas ever. I love you so much!˝

There are some flirty Christmas text messages for all occasions. Got any you’d like to add? Leave us a comment below!

If you are ready to really take your texting up a notch, check out my best selling flirty texting guide French Seduction Made Easy

It is packed with tips and examples to take you from mundane to flirty, sexy and confident in no time flat!

Merry Christmas xx Claudia

Claudia Cox

Claudia Cox is a modern communication expert who gives singles and couples alike the tools they need to improve their relationships. She is the creator of The Text Weapon Texting Club, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She loves the outdoors, baking tasty treats for friends, and of course, texting.
Learn more about French Seduction Made Easy.

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