Breaking up with a woman can be horrendous, especially if you really loved her (with a big L). What makes things worse is when she still talks to you and responds to your messages, giving you the hope that she just needs a bit of time to think things through. You convince yourself that eventually, she will return.

But as time moves on, her messages become less and less frequent until you realize that, actually, she’s never going to return. If this sounds too familiar, keep reading for texting tips for guys who have been out of the dating game.

But first, a little story. Years ago, my best guy friend met an amazing girl during an Internship. She ticked every box on his list. They started dating, and he was convinced that they would be together forever.

But, there was a kicker, she abruptly decided to end things and take a job that sent her traveling the globe. He was crestfallen.

He was so devastated that he removed himself from the dating game completely.

Eventually he started to date again, but he was literally getting nowhere. The girls he met returned one or two messages, but then stopped texting him and fell off the face of the earth.

He couldn’t understand it.

Texting Tips For Guys Getting Back In The Saddle Again

As it turned out, his breakup had knocked him out of his stride. He no longer had texting game. And I think he is probably not alone.

Today I am going to share with you my solid winning formula if you’ve been in his situation and are looking to get back into the swing of things, so that YOU can succeed in the dating world, too. It’s never too late, and those good old texting habits you once had can return. So, here we go with 4 helpful texting tips for guys who have been out of the dating game.

Texting Tip 1: Wait For A Response

When you’ve been out of the dating game for a while, it’s easy to get carried away when a new girl shows you some interest. I mean, who doesn’t love the attention?

As such, it can be really tempting to fall into the trap of texting her too much. When she hasn’t responded for a few hours, make sure that you sit tight until she does respond.

Bombarding her with more texts asking where she is will only scupper things and cause you to come across as needy. Women need space, so let her have it. In order to improve your chances, make sure to text her when you know she isn’t busy.

If it’s been a few days and she still hasn’t responded, she may have genuinely forgotten to reply. You can shoot her a short text with a question (questions are the best way to guarantee a reply). Then wait.

Texting Tip 2: Be Thoughtful

If you’ve been single for a while, you might have forgotten the importance of thoughtfulness. Girls love emotional honesty, and they want you to be at ease with who you are.

Ask her about a specific event such as a big presentation, her sister’s birthday party or her new place. Take an interest in her life. If she told you that she was going somewhere today, ask her if she enjoyed it.

Also, many women love receiving a good morning or good night text message. It shows that she is on your mind, first thing in the morning or just before bed.

Thoughtful texts are simple to write, and girls really appreciate them.

Texting Tip 3: Sincere Compliments

After a breakup, it’s easy to get down in the dumps. But the problem is, when you do that, you forget to make her feel special.

One way you can make her smile and feel desired is by complimenting her. Be attentive to details. Did she just get a hair cut, a fab new manicure or some new kicks? Sometimes just noticing is a compliment in itself…

Pay less attention to your own needs and more to hers. Forget about your woes and your troubles, and make BOTH of you feel better by telling her how kind she is, what a great personality she has, how amazing her eyes are and how contagious her giggle is. If she suggests a cool new bar or restaurant, compliment her on her good taste.

Texting Tip 4: Be Funny

Speaking of giggling, make her laugh! Women appreciate men with a sense of humor. In fact, it’s often the number one trait they look for in partners.

If you’ve forgotten how to be funny, watch some funny movies and listen to the dialogue. Read funny quotes on the Internet and use them, twisting the words if necessary. You can also set aside some time and build up your own personal repertoire of funny stories that show your authentic self. They don’t need to be farfetched to be funny…

For example, tell her a funny story of how you met your best friend the first week of college, or how you

Texting Tips For Guys Who Have Been Out Of The Dating Game – Final Thoughts

So, even if you have gone through a really tough break up, put the negative vibes aside, and embrace your funny side…and let the flirty, humorous and sweet texts fly!

Getting back in the dating game after a breakup can be tough, but don’t let it ruin your texting game. Remember to text with confidence; retain a sense of humor; give her time and space to reply; and show her that she is special by remembering little details and opening up. Do you have any texting tips for guys who have been out of the dating game that you would like to share? Leave a comment below!








Claudia Cox

Claudia Cox is a modern communication expert who gives singles and couples alike the tools they need to improve their relationships. She is the creator of The Text Weapon Texting Club, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She loves the outdoors, baking tasty treats for friends, and of course, texting.
Learn more about French Seduction Made Easy.

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