I know how it is. There’s a cute guy you’ve been texting. It’s been fun, you’ve flirted and things seemed to be going well. Then he stopped texting. What gives?! As disheartening and frustrating as it is when a guy vanishes without a trace from our inbox, the good news is that there is always a reason behind it. Sometimes it’s him and his issues, sometimes it’s due to a misunderstanding, and sometimes it’s something you did.

Are you beating yourself up over the question of why did he stop texting me? Relax, we’re going to go through possible scenarios…

Why will it help?

Once you know the answer to why did he stop texting me, you can stop living in confusion and finally go back to work (or is it just me that stays in bed all day, moping until he texts back?!).

Equally, when you know why he’s gone AWOL (how rude of him, though!), you can also plot out your next step.

1. Why Did He Stop Texting Me? Maybe He Simply Forgot

Look, guys get busy. They have places to go, people to see, jobs to go to, sports games to cry over, zombies to kill, and … okay, what am I saying? Guys are guys (half the time they can’t even remember to put the toilet seat down! 🙂 But we both know that you have a busy life too, and you deserve an explanation for his silence.

Where Is He At In His Life?

Firstly, think about his current life state. Some men have a lot of stuff going on in their heads. Is he in the middle of starting a new business? Has work been super hectic lately? Is he considering a career change?

If his head is all over the place and he barely has time to sleep or eat, he might have simply forgotten to reply to you. It’s an innocent and plausible reason.

Your Next Step

So, if you suspect this is the case, shoot him a cute text that reminds him of you and YOUR cuteness. A funny GIF will work.

Then, have a face to face discussion with him when the time is right. Without accusing him, tell him how you like to communicate. He might not even realize that his sporadic texting is upsetting you.

2. Something Annoyed Him

Secondly, think very carefully. Have you angered or offended him? Did you say something out of line without realizing it?

Take A Minute…

It’s a tough one, but if you think you might have pushed one of his buttons, go through your last texts and see if there are any subtle hints that he might be upset such as shorter than usual responses, change of tone or lack of emotion (or emoji if he usually uses them).

For instance, think back to the last time you guys met and how the meeting/conversation ended. Was everything cool or did he seem a bit different?

How To Handle A Tricky Situation

Your first reaction is probably to grab your phone and fire off a text. Don’t do it. Texting is a horrible form of communication to iron out differences. If he’s upset with you, speak with him about it in person (or on FaceTime or Skype if you can’t meet him face-to-face). It’s that simple.

3. He’s Got Other Urgent Priorities

Thirdly, if he is normally super reactive and communicative, and all of a sudden you don’t hear from him for 24, 48 or even 72 hours, he might be overwhelmed. This doesn’t mean all is lost.

He Might Be Drowning In Life

Maybe things came up – work, family drama, studying – and he had to cool the texting for a bit to focus on more important stuff.

Again, don’t be dismayed or offended. He’s probably focusing on what he deems to be urgent matters.

Why Did He Stop Texting Me Action Plan For Moving Forward

In short, play it cool and focus on YOUR life. Spend time with friends, do things you enjoy. If he’s not a player he’ll be back, and he will probably even apologize for his silence. If your gut is telling you something is off, take a peek at his social media accounts to see if he’s dormant or out partying with his friends (and some cute ladies).

In the case that he hasn’t made a status update for a while, it could be a sign that he is just super busy. In that case, don’t disturb him. [Tweet “If you do decide to text, send him a fun song that he can listen to during a break”]

However, if he has pic after pic out on the town then maybe he’s up to no good. Stop yourself from texting him an angry rant and instead talk to him about his disappearing act next time you see him in person.

4. He Got Tired Of Waiting for You

Moreover, if your own response time has been a little erratic to say the least over the past few weeks, there is a chance he’s decided to play hardball.

Tit For Tat

So, if he’s decided to make you wait as much as you’ve made him wait in the past (without even realizing it, granted), he might be playing some sort of game.

Be Responsive

In short, if that’s the case, you need to consciously start responding to his texts in a timely manner. Think of the golden rule, and communicate with him the way YOU want to be communicated with.

5. He’s A PLAYER

Sometimes, the answer to the question “why did he stop texting me?” is because he’s a player.

He’ll be texting two, three or maybe even four girls at the same time. He likes to keep his options open and his ego fully loaded.

Your Two Options

You basically have two different plans of attack if you think he’s a player.

1. The easiest thing to do is to simply stop texting him and wait to see if he eventually texts  you back – then either dump him or call him out on his behavior.

2. On the other hand, a more assertive approach is to tell him that you won’t be waiting for him forever. If he really likes you, he’ll get his head back in the game.

Even if you do forgive a player, make sure that he follows through moving forward, meaning he keeps his word, openly communicates and spends plenty of time with you IRL.

Hopefully one of these 5 reasons gave you some clarity as to “why did he stop texting me?” Got anything you’d like to add? Feel free to leave us a comment below!

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Claudia Cox

Claudia Cox is a modern communication expert who gives singles and couples alike the tools they need to improve their relationships. She is the creator of The Text Weapon Texting Club, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She loves the outdoors, baking tasty treats for friends, and of course, texting.
Learn more about French Seduction Made Easy.

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