Are you sick of your texts being ignored? Are you ready to learn how to flirt through text? Ready to start sending little electronic missiles of seduction? Then it’s time …

Are you sick of your texts being ignored? Are you ready to learn how to flirt through text? Ready to start sending little electronic missiles of seduction? Then it’s time …
Take a minute or two and read our simple texting advice for better communication. Did you know that if you want to be a happy texter, you have to actually …
We’ve all been there before – checking our cell phone every 3 minutes, hoping for an invitation to a special event, or even just a simple “hello”. How to tell …
Are you always the one to press send; your text messages just hanging out there, unanswered? Not fun, huh? You’re probably starting to wonder what in the heck you must …
Texting is a fantastic means of communication for cementing a bond with someone. It is also a fantastic way of blowing your chances. So, before hitting send, ask yourself: Will …
Did you ever ask yourself what is the definition of chivalry or where it came from? Were you under the impression that it was probably invented by women to entice …
Different forms of communication require their own distinct form of listening. You can learn a lot if you understand how to read the body language of men. Texting is sometimes …
Ping-Pong is one of the most popular games in the world. Why? Maybe because it’s suitable for everyone. It is something that you can play in groups, with people of …
Ask your buddies for tips to attract women, and you’ll probably hear the same old advice over and over again: “Be aggressive. Be blunt. If you think she’s playing hard …