So, lets dive into how to start a text conversation with a girl.

Picture yourself the morning after a fantastic first date. You are glancing at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, and one thought preoccupies your mind: what to text her? Just like certain face to face situations, starting a text conversation with a girl is not always easy. Fortunately there are a few simple tricks that you can start doing to make your job a lot easier. Read on to learn about 4 texting tips that you can put in use today to grab her attention and turn a phone number into something more.

How To Start A Text Conversation With A Girl

You know you have reached the romance Holy Grail when you learn how to start a text conversation with a girl. Outside of telepathically communicating our romantic thoughts, texting represents the last unconquered romantic horizon. Cell phones have become the norm for seducing your dream girl. Use them to your advantage!
– Create a sense of intimacy by sending flirty texts to your crush from across the room at a noisy party.
– Keep the flame of desire alive, even when she’s on a business trip thousands of miles away.
– Entertain yourself. Break up a mundane business seminar by texting a beautiful girl that you exchanged numbers with during the lunch break.

Old vs. New School

If you are over the age of twenty-five, you most likely started your romantic communication journey in grade school, when you passed notes back and forth to the flame of the day. In high school, you spent the majority of your time not studying, but talking on the phone with your prom dates.

Though college should have provided you with the opportunity to hone your romantic communication skills, you regressed by professing your love across crowded bars, typically after last call. You rebounded after college, though. Your romantic communications involved cell phones and personal computers. Just when you finally got the hang of talking on the phone and interacting online, texting became the next big thing. Suddenly, you’re back to feeling clueless.

What To Text? That’s Easy!

The irony is that the best texters probably have less romantic experience than you do. However, they’re probably too busy texting to look up from their phone and actually help you. Most high school and college age students are experts at knowing how to start a text conversation with a girl. These “kids” have been using cell phones since the beginning of their life journeys, and texting is as natural for them as talking. If you told a teenager that you passed notes back and forth in grade school with your dream girl, he would probably look at you and ask, “Why didn’t you just text her?”

You might not realize it, but you have dozens of opportunities to text a girl. If you want to figure out how to start a text conversation with a girl, follow these simple, proven tips.

Attention Grabber

How to start a text conversation with a girl i just met

As our writing teachers so rightly preached, you have little time to grab someone’s attention. The same principle applies to texting. You should avoid the common mistake made by millions of guys who text the boring, “How are you today?” (wow, that should make a girl feel special).

Your primary objective is to grab her attention. A man’s best weapon in the pursuit of romance has always been humor. Get the girl to laugh by texting short, droll messages that cause her to break into a wide smile. Humor is a fantastic attention grabber. For example, try texting her “Tired of playing hard to get with you. When can I see you?”

Now that you are psyched up to start texting a very special lady, get ready to learn some important tips.

#1 She is Not Your Grandmother

Avoid at all costs trite sayings, such as:

“My, you look nice today” or “I’m tired of all this rain.”

You are not talking to your grandma. Open up and be yourself by sending something cute such as:

“Cute, smart and you love spicy food. You’re perfection”.

Show her the real you. Make her want to know more. But always remember to make her the star of the show. Rambling on and on about yourself, without asking anything about her, is also a definite no-no. Save that for your grandmother. She’ll always love you, no matter how boring you are.

#2 Feelings

Guys are notorious for keeping everything inside. This may be the biggest complaint expressed by women. Your texts should have feeling, something to stir a girl’s emotions. Girls want original, from-the-heart feelings. Personalize your messages. For example, instead of texting “Good night” send her instead:

“Every night that you’re away, I miss the touch of your skin and the feel of your body against mine.”

#3 Be Brief

Texting is not about describing your entire day. You should do that in person. Likewise, don’t send her a text asking her to hash out her entire day to you. In the beginning of a relationship, texts are akin to the appetizer before a meal, the trailer before a movie. They plant the seed of desire. They set the tone and craving for future interaction. They put you in her mind. Keep it brief at first. If you really want to write something longer, then break it up into multiple messages. Create suspense…have her asking you to finish your story.

#4 Getting Cozy

Women want to feel connected. The most important step in starting a text conversation with a girl consists of dropping a line or two about something the two of you previously shared. This creates intimacy. Imagine yourself at a mundane business seminar, seated in a large room with a cute girl you exchanged numbers with during the break. You could put yourself on her radar by sending her a short text during the seminar that reads:

“Not sure about you, but this information overload has gotten me ready for a post-conference drink by the pool, care to join?”

While texting appears impersonal, the reality is that you are instantly inside her personal space and have her undivided attention. Make sure that you take advantage of this great opportunity.

How To Start A Text Conversation With A Girl Final Thoughts

Texting has taken face-to-face interaction out of the communication equation in many situations. It is the most common form of modern day flirting. Many of us shy away from looking the girl of our dreams in the eyes. The fear of rejection dominates our thought processes. Texting, like posting online messages, puts an invisible facade between the objects of our affection and us. We become more confident, but confidence does not mean we are optimizing the power of texting. Follow a few simple steps and you will be well on your way to learning how to start an enticing text conversation with a girl and, more importantly, keeping her full attention and desire focused on you through mesmerizing and well executed messages.

Texting: Your Armor And Your Weapon

If you are excited about unleashing the unbelievable power of texting in your romantic life, then check out my best seller, French Seduction Made Easy. It will give you an almost unfair advantage in the highly competitive dating scene. Don’t miss another opportunity with your dream partner. Put the messages, tips and tools to work from French Seduction Made Easy and enjoy all the passion and romance of a Parisian.

Claudia Cox

Claudia Cox is a modern communication expert who gives singles and couples alike the tools they need to improve their relationships. She is the creator of The Text Weapon Texting Club, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She loves the outdoors, baking tasty treats for friends, and of course, texting.
Learn more about French Seduction Made Easy.

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    1. Hello, It’s nice to hear from you! If you want to instantly improve your text messages, always start a text exchange with the recipients name and sign off with something pleasant. Don’t use texting to vent, or get into the habit of writing boring messages…ask questions and try to keep it a one message to one message ratio. These few small tweaks will help you communicate more effectively via text. Please let me know if you would like any other suggestions. Bisous, Claudia

    1. Hey there, instead of saying “Hi, it’s xxx remember me?” bring up something specific from your 5 minute conversation – or something specific about what she was wearing, etc. You will make her feel special and be miles ahead of all the other guys she met 🙂
      Bisous x

    1. Hi Lilly,
      An easy way to turn a conversation romantic is to make a specific compliment – for example ” couldn’t help but notice that you were looking pretty good today in (clothing) ;)” It’s not too forward, yet flirty.

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