The male population, generally speaking, is quite adept at aggressively seeking women they’re interested in. That being said, not all women are at the receiving end of their attention – and those that are might wish they could be attracting different types of men.
Knowing how to attract the right kind of man is an important skill, a skill that you can start mastering by learning the top 4 tips to attract men by texting.
But don’t stop there! There is a complementary skill that is just as important – knowing how to maintain their attraction after the initial excitement of the relationship has worn off.
Fortunately, top-notch texting can be your secret go-to weapon for attracting and maintaining men’s attention, kind of like your favorite little black dress. Yes, you too can learn how to talk intimately with your boyfriend over text.
Top 4 Tips To Attract Men By Texting
For the moment, leave your snazzy duds, smoky eyes, ruby red lipstick and killer heels in your closet and get ready to hone your attraction skills. Below is a collection of tips that will securely put you on the right path towards mastering this important seduction skill.
1. Don’t Be Accusatory
Texts like “Where WERE you last night??” and “Have you not been getting my texts or what?!” are not good for attracting men. In fact, the importance of avoiding these types of texts can’t be overstated. Texts that are rude, accusatory, and aggressive can easily drive him away. If you use your texts to scold and shame him, it won’t take him long to start dreading your texts, and, by extension, dreading you.
If you need to vent, vent to your girlfriends or someone else you’re close to in your family. Just make sure that you are texting the right contact, and you aren’t sending it to him by mistake.
2. Be Flirty
By sending a flirty text, you are showing a side of yourself that is fun, confident, playful, sexy, bold, cute, and attractive. Once he picks up on this side of your personality via your texts, it will trigger some positive reactions in his brain, and he’ll probably respond to you with his own flirty text.
Here are a couple examples of texts you could try sending:
– “Hey cutie. Thinking about you. Want to play? ;)” (This one works well on just about any guy, because it’s flirty without being sleazy.)
– “Just got out of the shower. Wanna help me get dirty again?” (A good text for your boyfriend or fiancé, but definitely not for the guy you met on the train earlier in the day.)
– “Had an “interesting” dream about you last night. Maybe I can demonstrate tonight?” (This text will get any man’s attention, but once again, save this for solid relationships.)

3. Keep It Interesting
Boring texts are fine in some situations, but not in this situation, as they’re not going to attract many men. They are harder to respond to, and they lead to boring responses, that lead absolutely nowhere.
For example:
Her: Ugh I’m so tired…….
Him: Yeah, uh, totally…
When you send texts like this, you’re associating yourself with, boring, humdrum thoughts. Again, that’s not ideal when the goal is to attract someone. Make your texts more interesting by adding a little humor, an observation, an inside joke, a plan to do something together, a slightly revealing picture – something that will capture his interest and is uniquely you. Put your personality into your texts, and soon he won’t be able to get you out of his mind.
4. Avoid Broad, Open-Ended Questions
This isn’t the News Hour with Jim Lehrer; you’re using text messages to attract a man. So avoid asking him what he thinks about national healthcare via text. It’s also best to avoid questions like, “What did you do today?”
Responding to this type of question is a chore, especially if he’s busy. Even though he might appreciate your interest in him, a bland, boring text usually won’t work to your advantage.
Instead, keep the conversation light by asking yes or no questions. “Hey hot stuff, just thinking about you. Want to try the new wine bar tonight?”
Save the broad questions for when you are talking face to face. After all, the goal here is to make him want to spend more time with you, not forcing him to write an essay about his daily life.
Be The Star – Follow These Top 4 Tips To Attract Men By Texting
Sending mesmerizing and well-executed text messages to men quickly fixes their attention on you, and differentiates you from all the other girls monopolizing their black books. Texting is a skill worth investing in.
Grab Your Copy! Text Flirting eBook: French Seduction Made Easy
Ready to leverage an almost unfair weapon of attraction? Want to give your love life a serious boost? Check out my ultimate texting resource French Seduction Made Easy and learn to send flirty text missiles of seduction that will make someone fall in love with you, and stay in love with you.
Hello Claudia, I need a mature advice on a current situation. Know a guy for years now. we have been phone buddies for the same period. we were introduced back then by a mutual friend. then I was advised he was interested in me romantically but the feeling wasn’t mutual. now, I am surprised to find that I am falling for him. I like him after talking to him for a few month now ! I think he has come to realise that I am a bit interested . how do i deal with the matter ?
Hello 🙂
In your case, I think that the best thing you can do is try to see him in person (assuming that you have only been communicating with him via text or phone). In person you will be able to tell quickly by his body language if he is interested in you or not (and if you are really interested in him…)
hey i need an advice this guy and I have been talking for a while now we used to always hang out after school, he used to come and pick me up, take me to his interview, restaurant , and college stuff. It was almost like he wanted to get at me he once asked if i was going to date anytime soon and i said no. One day i received a snap chat video of from him telling me that one of my friend says hi like shes trying to make me jealous. i kind of got jealous , and i started making our conversation awkward. we stopped talking , and one day, one of the girl told me that he had a girlfriend and that’s why things changed, but i am so confused because he always told me that he does not think he is ready for a relationship. tomorrow is his birthday also it will feel weird wishing a happy birthday, i don’t know what to do….
Hi Love,
I’m sorry to hear about the situation…if you are OK with just being friends with him, then you can wish him a happy birthday. However, if you still have romantic feelings for him, I wouldn’t do it. You are just going to open yourself up to more pain and disappointment (as he is already in a relationship). In any case, try and meet other guys! There are tons of amazing ones out there who would be excited to hang out with you 🙂
Hey Claudia, I need an urgent advice! there is a guy I met during a travel abroad! I likeed him so much and I couldnt stop thinking about him so I ask him to go out and He said yes! But I was so nervous that I ruined everything.. even after that date He still tries to approach me but I was everytime under great pressure that I just avoided him all the time and we never went out again. Now I came back home but I still like him and I feel sometime that there is still a chance! But I not vey good in texting so I sent him very very bad messages (in some instant I understand now somes were disrespectful towards him) that it seems now that he doesnt want to talk to me.. But I have still the feeling that if I am able to send him the right text He may be willing to come to see me this summer or me to go to see him. Can you help me and tell me what kind of texts I can send him so He will feel my respect and attraction for him?? Thank you
Hi L,
I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I think the best way to dig yourself out of this mess is to go the heartfelt way.
Message 1: “I’m sorry if I offended you, I hope you can forgive me….I really enjoyed the time we spent together, and I know I blew it the other day with my text”
Message 2: “But you can’t stay made at this face, can you?”
Message 3: Send him an image of Puss In Boots from Shrek like this one:
If Puss In Boots doesn’t make him smile and forgive you…
Afterwards I would try and get him on Skype so you can chat “face-face” Just be open with him…that you were a little nervous before, but you would really like to see him again.
Send me an email if I can help you any further: [email protected]
I met a guy online and i am so interested on him what will i do to win his attention. We started chatting already.
I have a friend but I did not know that he is in relationship or not I asked him but he say yes but I think k he lie me I m interested with him we just talk on text I want to know how I will know that he will interested In me I asked him about u fine love he said not yet but chances are so tell me what to do know
Hi Syeda,
Hmmmmmm it sounds like it is a pretty complicated situation. If he is already in a relationship I would not actively pursue him. There are tons of other guys out there. Because even if he does leave his girlfriend for you, you never know if he would leave you some day for another girl (see what I mean?).
I met a guy online and i am so interested on him what will i do to win his attention. We started chatting already.
Hi Syeda,
I’m happy to hear that you are interested in someone else! 🙂 Take your time getting to know this new guy. Ask him open ended questions and try to figure out what makes him tick. Keep your messages positive and light, and don’t overdo the instant messaging…save something to talk about for when you meet him in person.
Hey….I have started feel for a guy.We got to know recently(three four days ago) and still haven’t met eachother.we are just phone buddies.Even for his single text i’m blasting with happy tears.he is not flirty either and i can’t asked him out because my previous relationship was worst as it had went up to the extend. (Idk will he be able to forgive me for the things that happend with my ex).and i don’t know whether he is interested on me or not.Whatever it is i know i’m driving crazy out of him.what can do for this situation?
Hi Parami,
First of all, I am happy that you met someone you like 🙂 Second, don’t get too hung up on this guy until you meet him in person. It is easy for someone to come across as something they really aren’t by text or phone….so be careful. Third, make sure that you don’t give this guy complete control over your happiness. While it is fun to meet someone and get to know them, keep the relationship in check. If you are crying when he texts you, then you are going to give off the wrong vibes (needy, and it’s going to scare him away). Have fun getting to know him…and have fun doing other things that make you happy, like spending time with your friends, dancing or doing sports. When you are truly happy, you are more attractive than you could ever imagine.
Sending you tons of positive energy.
Need a little advice. I’ve been talking to this guy I met online, who lives in Boston. I live in Fl. He visits from time to time b/c he’s got family in Florida.
He mention he is planning on moving to Florida in the near future. He’s visiting now for Labor Day weekend, he mentioned he wants to meet me. We only spoke one time on the phone,he shows interest in me. The only thing that worries me is that I’m normally the one who gets in touch with him first. He doesn’t take long in replying, but he never takes the first initiative to text first. Should I lay back forget about this guy. What is he thinking? Could it be that he’s not really interested or is it because we’re so far away? So confused,so hard to read, don’t want to feel like I’m stalking him or something…😕
Hey there,
I think the easiest way to find out is to meet him in person while he is in town. You will be able to read his body language to see if he’s interested in you or not (eye contact, smile, touching your shoulder or arm…or even if he tries to make you laugh).
As far as texting first…have you given him the opportunity? How long do you let the silence build before you initiate a conversation? I would try letting a few days or even a week go by and to see if he starts a conversation. In the meantime, keep yourself busy doing fun things that you enjoy.
Hi claudia,could you please take me some advice in this case?
I bumped in to a boy last year at his work place,it seemed he was interested on me but we just looked at each other all that time and any of us couldn’t contact the other one and express our desire to be together or to have a relationship even couldn’t speak,time passed I didn’t see him any more because he had gone from that place and he wasn’t available to meet again.but I’ve been thinking of him since that moment I saw him,so at last I found his instagram page recently but I think he doesn’t remember me and that days now,because maybe it wasn’t as important or serious to him as I tend to send massage to him,but I don’t know how to speak to attract his I have to tell him that I’ve been knowing him from last year and was thinking of him?or don’t tell the truth and treat the way such as it’s the first time I see him? I want to choose a way that he will tend to speak back to me and be enthusiastic to know more about me,wath is the best tips I can talk or disscus about?
other’s say wake up he doesn’t love you atall and make me disappointed but I imagine even if he does’nt remember me there was a magnetic among us at that time we bumped into each other that still is alive for me,that turns me back thinking of him.
Hi Yasmin,
It is nice to hear from you! If you want him to notice you, start out small…make him curious as to who you are, then restart the conversation. For example, did you follow his Instagram page? Did you like some of his photos? When he asks how he knows you, tease him and make him guess before telling him. Start subtle and work your way up:)
Hi Claudia,
My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 10 months now. I found out a little over a month ago that he was messing around with someone else. He said we weren’t spending enough time together and he got weak. We worked through it. At that point he asked me over every night and things were great. A couple of weeks ago the girl posted that she was with him the day before on Facebook. I immediately went to his house and confronted him. Since then he is hot and cold but says he still loves me and doesn’t want to break up. He hasn’t asked me to spend the night since I confronted him and when I mention it he finds every reason not to. But then wants to talk on the phone all night. He says it’s because when he gave me all of the time in the world and I was practically staying at his house I still confronted him with stupidity so why does it even matter. I love my man and I believe he loves me. How do I get him to open back up to me so we can have a heathy relationship again and move forward? Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi Tlily,
I’m sorry to hear that your relationship has hit a rough spot. I think the best thing you can do is give him space. Remember that he is the one who cheated on you…but at the moment he has made you feel like you need to win his approval. No. I would not spend the night talking to him on the phone. If he wants to talk to you, then he should come over and see you, or invite you over to his place, or take you out somewhere. Take your time. Love and trust take a lot of time to build, especially after they have been broken.
Hi Claudia, Thi will be the first time reaching out for some advice, my situation is that I am very troubled with this man who has been in my life for sometime now, 10 + years, we met at work, all it took was to hear his voice, my heart pounded in my chest, never felt anything like it , I saw that he was wearing a wedding ring, figures, we ended up being work friends, even when I left for another job, every so often we had lunch and stayed in touch through talking on the phone, I decided to stop, because deep inside, I new that he shouldn’t be in contact with me, as him being married, 2yrs went by, not knowing that he ended his marriage, one day I called him, he asked if I could see him, I said that I have appts, call me after your done, I did call, wasn’t going to see him, it was very hard on me with the feelings I felt,since I ended keeping in touch with him, he’s been divorce at that time 1.5 yrs, a rush of excitement went through me, then I felt scared, now it’s been 2years we see each other, once in awhile, he says he wants to see me, but no commitment, I keep saying I understand, I really want him to say how he feels,after 15yrs you think he does care about me,we are friends on Facebook, he’s been posting pics of women with his arm around them, I have asked if you’re seeing anyone that you would rather be with just tell me Why doesn’t he just let me go, very troubled
Hi Tress,
It sounds like a very toxic situation, and probably the best thing you could do would be to cut off all contact with him. I am sure that he does have feelings for you after 15 years, but if he is not ready (or able) to commit, then you deserve someone who is. Please send me an email if I can help ([email protected]). I have been in a similar situation before, and it’s HARD. But, moving on is the only way to get out of the vicious cycle of pain, hope and disappointment.
Hey Claudia,
I met a guy a year ago and we met as professional. He was dating someone then. He recently called me and said he was single and wanted to make me drunk. We went out twice but he kept the relationship professional. I then asked him what he thought about us and he said he was scared and had to think about it and give me a response when he was seeing me off we kissed twice and he is the o e that initiated the kisses. It’s been 5 days and have not heard from him. What do I do?
Hi Mary,
I would be very careful with this guy…he said that he wanted to make you drunk (huge red flag)? He kisses you and then disappears (another red flag)? He tells you that he is scared of relationships (once again, red flag)? In my opinion he is definitely not ready for a relationship, and you are just going to waste your time and end up getting hurt. If you do decide to date him (which I don’t suggest), make sure that you don’t chase him. Be patient and wait for him to come to you. And please don’t get drunk around him…be careful.
Hi Claudia I met this guy on a night out yesterday I’m not sure if he’s interested but did seem to be last night.He didn’t ask for my number but he did as for my snapchat and instagram.How long and how do I go about texting him?
Hi Nel,
I would wait for him to contact you…if he is really interested he will. I wouldn’t text him first. Just be patient 🙂
A mechanic came to my home to work on my car for three days straight when complete I paid him I was so attracted to him so when he left I texted him I thought he was so handsome and that I could barely make eye contact and I was so impressed with his mechanics l knowledge I said he was the total package and with all that going for him he should never be sad all he had to do was square his shoulders and believe he could do anything but fail ……his response was he would do just that and he was almost home because he was driving my question did I make it clear I liked him or did he perceive I was just building up his confidence
Hi Mary,
Hmmmm I would say that you made it very clear that you liked him in the beginning of your text (that he was so handsome that you could barely make eye contact). Everything that you wrote was super sweet, but now I would wait for him to write back to you, or you risk making him feel like you are chasing him. Do you know if he is already in a relationship? Maybe he felt uncomfortable replying because he didn’t want to lead you on. Will you see him again? Is there any place that you could accidentally bump into him? 🙂
Hi Claudia
i met a guy on a night out we texted for sometime and have stopped.Then my mate said she was talking to him and he said that he owes me a drink. Where do I go from here I’m not sure how to text him about.
I need some help
Hey Nel,
If he is still texting your mate, you could have her tell him where you girls are going to be tomorrow night, and that he should stop by and by you that drink 🙂 If not, like something on SM or ask him a question (like a good place to go out).
Good luck!
Hi Claudia I am going out next week for my mates bday do you think I should invite him to that or a more 1 to 1 thing
Hi Nel,
I don’t think you should invite him to either…I think that either your mate should tell him where you girls are going (and that he is welcome to stop by). Or you should ask him a question about a cool place to grab a glass of wine, or a new club, etc (to get the conversation going) and then he should be the one to ask you to meet up. You could even joke around. For example, after he gives you the name of the wine bar, you could tell him “I prefer white wine, so please make sure that you have a chilled glass waiting for me”. This way, you have given him the green light to ask you, but you are still making him ask. See what I mean? 🙂
Hi Claudia
Do you think I should text him something along the lines of “where’s a good place to go out”
Then when he responds
“I’ve heard that you owe me a drink 😉
Hi Nel,
I like it 🙂 Perfect!
Hi claudia,there is this guy I like so much he also likes but he has a girlfriend he tells me wheb he goes to see her.He doesn’t lie to me about it He enjoys hanging out with me at the cinema and other fun places..he calls me his heart and tells me am special..but I really do not know my stand in his life since he has a girlfriend and we are nkt ready to loose each other what should I do
Hi Shanel,
I know it’s hard, but if he has a girlfriend, you have to tell yourself that he is only a friend. Otherwise, it isn’t fair to you (or his girlfriend). You don’t have to lose him, you can stay friends with him as long as everything is clear for both of you. Are there any other available guys that you could date? It might make the situation a lot easier…
i’m in love with this guy since when i was in 11th grade and now we are dating. The problem is we fought before ending up together but during our fight i found out he talks to my bestfriend a lot which kinda made me jealous but i never lost my confidence and i try as much as possible to keep his bestfriend in conversations which also made him jealous.Before we graduated frm high school, we made up and after we graduated he asked me out and i agreed but he only calls and we chat once in a while.The shocking news he told me was that he dated my bestfriend . The question is does he still love me or he is just playing a prank on me? how can i sure he hasnt be sure he isnt in love with my bestfriend anymore?
Hi Kate,
I don’t think you can be sure of something like that (who someone is in love with). The best thing you can do is watch his actions. How does he treat you? How does he treat her? Does he prioritize you in his life? Is he honest with you? Also, is it enough for you to be in a relationship with someone that only wants to speak to you on the phone? Personally, I think that if you want to build a relationship with him you should also spend some time together in person…Let me know if I can help in any way.
I recently met this guy at work. He asked for my number so i gave it to him. At first we would text every day asking each other questions trying to get to know each other. Met up to hang out a few times. But recently we haven’t talked much. I really don’t know if he is as interested as he was in the beginning. Since he has had relationship issues in the past. Should I give him time or just give up? Or just try to show him that im different.
Hi Stephanie,
How did it go when you met up in person? Did you have good chemistry? It’s completely normal for text conversations to have highs and lows. It’s pretty much impossible to keep the same level of intensity from beginning to end. Having said that, it’s never a good sign if you are making more effort than him. Even if he had relationship issues in the past, it’s not your job to “fix him”. So, I would suggest giving him some space to see if he starts putting effort into communicating with you again. If you don’t hear from him for a few weeks, you can send him a random message just to see his reaction – for example, an image of something you know he’d find funny, or one of your inside jokes.
Good luck bella!
Hi Claudia, I was in live with j my ex bf and now we just texting , sometime we as having a sex , he don’t want to be in relationship but not let me go. We have a really great phisical connection and I want to continue but not sure if he wants . He make me jealous, I don’t know what to do, how to back him to me.
Hi Tina,
I would be careful if I was you, it sounds like a dangerous situation because he is not willing to commit to you (he doesn’t want to be in a relationship), he’s playing games with you (making you jealous) and you are putting in more effort than him. If I was in your place, I would stop having sex with him until he decides that he wants to be your boyfriend. Otherwise, if you are really, truly over him and can have sex with him without feeling any attachment (or hoping for a future together) continue. But, don’t expect anything in return.
Yes you are right , I understand situations but can’t stop myself because have a strong emotional feeling , sometimes I hate myself . I need to be strong and stop it, nothing change on better way. Thank you Claudia
It’s tough…make sure that you are surrounded by good people who have your back. Be patient with yourself and never stop believing in love, because I know you will find it.
Thanks Claudia , I understand situation but it’s hard when you have a strong feelings, I fall in love with wrong man , and it hurts me a lot. I need a time to forgot him . The true is the I was looking for love but found sex, he was looking for sex but found love. After all I desapointed and don’t believe any man, they are liars.
Hey Tina,
I know it hurts a lot, but, time and meeting someone new will heal your pain. Please don’t let yourself think that all men are liars, and all men are horrible. There are some amazing guys out there that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Sending tons of positive energy your way.
xoxo Claudia
Hey there, I loved this article! I have one question for you dear Claudia. I have one friend who lives abroad and to me it seems that we would be really nice match together – I mean I like him very much and I feel that he likes me, at least he has said he misses me and I’m wonderful and he’s that kind of guy that if he says stuff like that he really means it. I’m going to meet him in few months and I was just wondering how can I keep things interesting and take them maybe bit further by texting before I go? I don’t want to bother him too much cause I have seen most men don’t like it but I still want to show my attraction for him, you know what I mean? Thanks xxx
Oh I forgot to tell, that we have met before and had something going on back then. So he’s not only internet friend, not a catfish heh 🙂
Hi Ocean,
You are totally right – don’t over text him so that it becomes mundane and an actual chore for him to answer. Instead, only text him when you have something flirty, fun or interesting to say (or show him). Mix it up between photos, text messages and voice/videos. The random “thinking about you because…” message works really well 🙂 Send me an email if you would like some more ideas!
Loooved the article! Subscribed. I think I’ll stay awhile. 🙂 Anyway, I am wondering if you could help me with this dilemma. See, I started DM’ing with this one person that interests me in a platonic way that happens to work in the entertainment industry. Problem is, this person generally replies back like five or even ten days later and they are usually smilies or short answers. BUUUT, a couple days ago I asked this person what book they were reading and they replied back almost instantly so I guess that’s good except idk what to reply back. I mean, I don’t think I should write a short generic reply like “Thanks” but at the same time I don’t want to force a convo. Yanno? Sooo, any tips?! TY, Claudia! 🙂
PS: I can provide screenshots if helpful.
Hi Lucky, it’s really nice to hear from you! 🙂
If you found a topic that seems to interest them, and you are interested in them, I think you should keep it going! I definitely don’t think you should write back a short generic reply, give some thought to their reply and DM them back. It’s hard for me to be more specific as I haven’t seen the convo. If you want to email me, my email is: [email protected]
Bisous x
Hy I mate a guy in other shop and he asked my number and I gave him.but he didn’t call me.and I like him.and I try to chart with him on whattap but he doesn’t show that he was interested on me.what can I do now because I have a feelings for him.
Hi Neh,
If he doesn’t seem to be responding then I would definitely not chase him. Try to grab his attention in more subtle ways – by changing your whats app profile photo or liking something of his on Social Media. Give it some time and then in a few weeks ask him a question (for example where to get xyz) and restart the conversation from there.
Good luck!
hey claudia,
i have a crush on a guy who is too smart n handsome but don’t know whether he has or not.Every guy check me out as i am too attractive..but he is the one who has attitude problem. what should i do?
Hey Apeksha,
If he has an attitude problem I wouldn’t waste my time with him, I would move on…there are tons of smart and handsome guys that don’t act like jerks – that are charming, considerate and fun to be with.
hi I need advice I met a guy and I realy like him and we talk in text and Some time he show he realy intresting in me but something he show he is not intresting me but i think he like me and he ask me that what qualities i went to see in my husband I don’t know what can i do plz tall me
Hi Aysha,
It’s hard to tell his real intensions from what you’ve said. He might be a player (texting multiple girls and trying to get all of them to fall in love with him), he might be insecure, or he might just be inexperienced. I would playfully call him out on his behavior. For example if he doesn’t answer your messages, but still asks you what you want in a husband, text him “someone to hold my hand, and answer my text messages :)”. The key is to keep your texting light, fun and not needy (no spamming or asking him what’s wrong).
Bisous xo
Hi..I need boyfriend suddenly pulled away for just no reason..says deres no prob but won’t call nor visit like he used to with excuse of working on something…I think it’s over but he tells my frds he still loves me…wat do I do?
Hi Eve,
I would set up a time to speak to him face to face and talk to him about it. Tell him how you feel, and give him some concrete examples (like he hasn’t called you or stopped by in 2 weeks) and ask him where he sees the relationship going. If you are invested in the relationship, then you deserve to know that he is too.
Let me know if I can help.
Haii Claudia, im actually not in need of getting a man atm because i think i have the best one already lol, but instead its more on how i keep and maintain what i want in our relationship. He and I live far away so its online but he has other female friends whom he has really close relationships with and i get jealous knowing the fact i can’t be with him and they can and also we don’t really get to talk much nowadays.I really do love him but i really want more time and to not seem clingy because i have a habit of overthinking and getting really upset if left on open or read
Hi Avy,
It’s really nice to hear from you, I’m happy that you found a wonderful man 🙂 I know it’s hard, but try not to let jealously ruin your relationship. Instead focus on making it stronger. Try to be part of his daily life by sending him little updates of your life (positive stuff). For example, send him a photo of your favorite new coffee shop, when you walk by his favorite park, your accomplishments, stuff you are excited about. Hopefully he will be inspired and start sharing more of his daily life with you. I would also suggest scheduling Skype calls or Facetime. Make it a priority to speak with him every few days. Scheduling might seem like a romance killer, but if you don’t do it, weeks can go by without speaking. I hope these tips help! If you have any questions or run into some bumps in the road send me an email.
Hey Claudia there’s this guy that I’ve recently become friends with despite having been in the same class for years. I like him and one of my friends also likes him but he doesn’t seem to like her so I think I still have a chance. With what phrases should I start our conversations with? Thank you (^_^♪)
Hey there,
It’s nice to hear from you! 🙂 You could start with something like “hey super star” or, say hi and then stick in an emoji (such as the guy in sunglasses) and then ask him a question. Keep it light and playful and don’t bombard him with texts (1:1). Sending him stuff that you know he is interested in is always a good idea. For example you could say “made me think of you, did you see this?” followed with a link to a cool article on soccer, sports equipment or whatever else he’s interested in.
I hope everything works out for you! Let me know if I can help.
Ok, so I’m just coming out of a 10 year marriage after being cheated on. I don’t want a relationship and I met a guy who I find absolutely yummy and adorable who is also in the middle of a divorce and doesn’t want a relationship. we’ve talked abt hooking up and it’s gotten a bit steamy, but he’s older, mature, and cautious. how do I drive him crazy without appearing desperate or too loose?
Hey there,
I’m so sorry to hear about your divorce. If you are both on the same page, then start sending him some suggestive text messages – for example a photo teasing of a part of your sexy outfit, shoes, underwear, etc. Or text him something specific you like about him and how it turns you on. Add a little mystery by suggesting that you have big plans or a surprise waiting for him. The key is to leave him wanting more. So, no nudes, or overly explicit messages.
Good luck! 🙂