So you've met a girl, either in the real or virtual world. You guys hit it off, exchanging flirtatious jokes, witty repartee and, finally, numbers. Good job! But getting her number is only half the battle. Knowing what to text the girl you like can feel like a mine-field in today's fast-paced dating scene. First it was e-mail, then instant messaging, and now texting. Communication is getting quicker, easier, and is now a dating necessity.

Are you wondering what to text a girl you like? Learn how to show your natural confidence though today’s snappy message mania with three easy tips. Installing confidence update now…

Type. Tweak. Text. Repeat.

With today’s tech-crazed generation, showing confidence with women while texting is a perilous, yet necessary prerequisite to navigating the getting-to-know-each-other phase.

Use these three easy tips to let your confidence reign…and feel free to type, delete, retype, spellcheck, and emoji hunt guilt free. She’ll only see the confident end result.

Tip #1: Be Interested, Not Interesting

We all know know it’s easiest to talk about ourselves in a conversation. After all, that’s the topic we know the most about. The problem is that this can send the wrong message in an exchange with the opposite sex.

Insecure people are constantly focused on their own flaws, and assume everyone else is too. The man who is confident with women is confident with himself – the good, the bad, and the ugly – and can look beyond himself with ease because he is not preoccupied with his own flaws.

The easiest way to portray confidence this way is to be “interested” in the other party, and try not to be “interesting”, meaning ask questions, keep your ears open, and respond to her responses. She doesn’t know enough about the great guy that you are yet to have a lot to say about a string of stories where you are the star.

This isn’t to say that you can’t say anything about yourself, but always relate it back to the other person to keep the flow of conversation. Some example texts might look like this:

This cold weather is tough for a native of Florida like myself. Are you originally from this area?

This drive-thru burger makes spaghetti look like a five star dish. I need to eat out less. Got any tips for easy dishes to make at home?

If this sounds like a sales seminar, that’s because this technique is often taught to sales associates. Because dating is a form of selling, you’re selling yourself when deciding what to text a girl you like! If it works for them, it’ll work for you too.

Tip #2: Spellcheck Is Your Intelligence Booster

When cultivating a new relationship, you have to put your best foot forward, and that includes intellectually. Not that spelling and grammar is an accurate representation of intelligence (there is so much more to your magnificent brain than that), but showing confidence with women is a lot easier when your sentences make sense and she recognizes the words you use. Plus, around the fifth “Sorry, auto correct” text either your confidence will take a hit or she’ll start to wonder if you’re really paying attention to what you’re sending.

Tip #3: Be Authentic When Texting A Girl You Like

This should seem like a no-brainer, but it continues to pop up on the relationship radar. Your text is a form of written word, and if she likes you, it’s probably saved in her phone, reread as she responds, and sent to close friends for analysis (yes, we do this). If there are inconsistencies in your story the truth will come out sooner or later and it will be in print how you tried to be someone you’re not. Confident men don’t need to fudge facts or act like someone else. Keep it genuine and she’ll like you more.

Showing confidence with women is sexy, suave, and simpler than you think. When deliberating over what to text a girl you like, remember to show real interest, use your spellcheck, and be honest about yourself to exude that confident aura. Let the texting begin!

Grab Your Copy! Text Flirting eBook: French Seduction Made Easy

Ready to leverage an almost unfair weapon of attraction? Want to give your love life a serious boost? Check out my ultimate texting resource French Seduction Made Easy and learn to send flirty text missiles of seduction that will make someone fall in love with you, and stay in love with you.

Claudia Cox

Claudia Cox is a modern communication expert who gives singles and couples alike the tools they need to improve their relationships. She is the creator of The Text Weapon Texting Club, and the author of French Seduction Made Easy. She loves the outdoors, baking tasty treats for friends, and of course, texting.
Learn more about French Seduction Made Easy.

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